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Apple’s larger-sized iPad is again rumored for launch in October 2014

I'm surprised and amused that you think form factor is just about inches, rather than the fact that a tablet is a flat surface vs. a laptop with keyboard, etc., that's not instantly on or usually lacking in touch screen. The whole point of a bigger screen tablet is to give someone a bigger display while maintaining the flat surface touch screen. The reason people use the term "form factor" is clearly because it describes more than size -- otherwise, we'd all just be referring to screen size, lol.

If you try carrying any open laptop, netbook or notebook and walking around (no matter the size) and try to work with it and think that's more convenient than a tablet, even a bigger size one, you'd be one of very few people. It's simply awkward to walk around with any open laptop and try to work, and the additional advantage for many retail settings (once prices come down) is that customers will just be able to walk up to a big flat screen and interact with their fingers to buy stuff, look up stuff, page through products and sevices, etc., versus trying to do that on any laptop. With a tablet, you can easily install in a streamlined way at eye level without the awkwardness of having a laptop installed.

As long as iPads have been made, there have been plenty of cheap netbooks and notebooks available for less, with more pure computing power, and in similar sizes. If people used your criteria and ignored form factor, they would've bought those instead of iPads by the millions.

The iPad Air are faster and more powerful than netbooks.

Also tablets are different from netbooks. They serve better purposes (But not more) than netbooks or smartphones. Wouldn't it be hard to just open your laptop and wait until it opens to search for a specific thing? With an iPad you can just, open it, then open safari or pull down in spotlight search and have instant access to the internet and wikipedia? Or if you want to play games, songs, and videos?

Tablets, offer greater purposes than smartphones and netbooks in terms of instant internet, media, and showing files, pictures, documents, playing games, and other thngs.

I believe in the term: Cheap products are bad products.

Also form factor is very important. Would you use a product that is very heavy, very big that it cannot be used? It is very important.

Also tablets were never used for productivity. The reasons why the iPad is the leading tablet in this class of gadgets is because its not like other tablets that have keyboards. Apple smartly keep them what they are: Tablets. The reason why the microsoft surface and blackberry fails is because adding physical keyboards in devices that small will not be hard to type in. Tablets are used for different purposes. Apple smartly makes it only a tablet.
The current full sized iPad is only a 9.7 inch screen and this new larger one is almost 13 inches. The smallest MBA is 11 inches which is still appreciably larger than the standard iPad. So, this new iPad and an 11 inch MBA are going to be dimensionally similar and probably weight wise too. When I was shopping for a tablet, there were no laptops anywhere close to the iPad in overall size and weight.

Nevermind, I'm failing to state my case and it doesn't matter anyways. Like I said, well see how this goes and if it does hurt MBA sales. Unless apple has different plans for the MBA which we don't know about.

It's all good.

By the way, again, Apple isn't worried about cannibalizing its own sales; they're smart enough to realize that that's better than other companies do it.

The whole point of having a bigger tablet would be to give customers, especially those with bigger display needs, the device that works best for them -- not just protecting existing sales. Any company that just acts defensively (like trying to protect MacBook sales) instead of innovating would be a dead man walking, especially in tech.

In the future, laptop sales -- all laptop sales -- will continue to fall as tablets grow more powerful. Apple is smart enough to recognize that. (Though that seems pretty obvious to me.)

The form factor of any tablet allows you to add a physical keyboard when you want it, and with a larger tablet, those keyboard sizes will grow accordingly. That combo will give people a closer approximation to working with a laptop, without being locked into carrying or using the combo at all times, because their needs will determine what they use. That's one of the advantages of tablet form factor.
The iPad Air are faster and more powerful than netbooks.

Also tablets are different from netbooks. They serve better purposes (But not more) than netbooks or smartphones. Wouldn't it be hard to just open your laptop and wait until it opens to search for a specific thing? With an iPad you can just, open it, then open safari or pull down in spotlight search and have instant access to the internet and wikipedia? Or if you want to play games, songs, and videos?

Tablets, offer greater purposes than smartphones and netbooks in terms of instant internet, media, and showing files, pictures, documents, playing games, and other thngs.

I believe in the term: Cheap products are bad products.

Also form factor is very important. Would you use a product that is very heavy, very big that it cannot be used? It is very important.

Also tablets were never used for productivity. The reasons why the iPad is the leading tablet in this class of gadgets is because its not like other tablets that have keyboards. Apple smartly keep them what they are: Tablets. The reason why the microsoft surface and blackberry fails is because adding physical keyboards in devices that small will not be hard to type in. Tablets are used for different purposes. Apple smartly makes it only a tablet.

Lol. Are you trying to convince me? I've been trying to explain to Mikey, who doesn't get the difference in form factor.
Lol. Are you trying to convince me? I've been trying to explain to Mikey, who doesn't get the difference in form factor.

I'm just saying that tablets are tablets. If you try to make it like a laptop then whats its point anymore? Buy a mac or a ultrabook instead, which are more powerful than tablets.
I'm just saying that tablets are tablets. If you try to make it like a laptop then whats its point anymore? Buy a mac or a ultrabook instead, which are more powerful than tablets.

Yeah, Mikey doesn't seem to see the difference, which is surprising, especially for someone who owns a tablet, lol.
The iPad Air are faster and more powerful than netbooks.

Also tablets are different from netbooks. They serve better purposes (But not more) than netbooks or smartphones. Wouldn't it be hard to just open your laptop and wait until it opens to search for a specific thing? With an iPad you can just, open it, then open safari or pull down in spotlight search and have instant access to the internet and wikipedia? Or if you want to play games, songs, and videos?

Tablets, offer greater purposes than smartphones and netbooks in terms of instant internet, media, and showing files, pictures, documents, playing games, and other thngs.

I believe in the term: Cheap products are bad products.

Also form factor is very important. Would you use a product that is very heavy, very big that it cannot be used? It is very important.

Also tablets were never used for productivity. The reasons why the iPad is the leading tablet in this class of gadgets is because its not like other tablets that have keyboards. Apple smartly keep them what they are: Tablets. The reason why the microsoft surface and blackberry fails is because adding physical keyboards in devices that small will not be hard to type in. Tablets are used for different purposes. Apple smartly makes it only a tablet.

By the way, I disagree about tablets not being useful for productivity. I just depends what you're trying to do. People like doctors, educators, sales people, etc., are using tablets to serve patients, students, customers, etc.

Just because all some people do with tablets is consume content doesn't mean that's true of everyone. My company wouldn't be giving out iPads to people just so they could play on them, lol. There's a business and educational case to be made. And that's what Apple is pursuing, along with the recreational users.

What you do on your iPad -- consume content -- can be done on laptops, netbooks, etc. The difference is form factor.
By the way, I disagree about tablets not being useful for productivity. I just depends what you're trying to do. People like doctors, educators, sales people, etc., are using tablets to serve patients, students, customers, etc.

Just because all some people do with tablets is consume content doesn't mean that's true of everyone. My company wouldn't be giving out iPads to people just so they could play on them, lol. There's a business and educational case to be made. And that's what Apple is pursuing, along with the recreational users.

What you do on your iPad -- consume content -- can be done on laptops, netbooks, etc. The difference is form factor.

I use my tablets for productivity tasks probably more than anything else!
I use my tablets for productivity tasks probably more than anything else!

Yes, I can easily believe it.

Many companies are issuing locked-down tablets with nothing but productivity apps. They aren't spending tons on iPads so employees can play Candy Crush or watch videos, lol.
Yes, I can easily believe it.

Many companies are issuing locked-down tablets with nothing but productivity apps. They aren't spending tons on iPads so employees can play Candy Crush or watch videos, lol.

I've been watching a new sci-fi show: Marvel: Agents of Shield (or something like that). They heavily use tablets on that show (most seem to the MS Surface tablets). There is even this 3-tablet folding job that the lady scientist uses a lot. That thing would be cool to have.

Only one's imagination puts limits on how these devices are used. This is also a lot of people are drawn to Phablets....truth be told, one of these would be great for me since I rarely talk in the phone so having such a larger thing next to my head would not really be an issue. The larger screen enables one to accomplish a lot more productivity tasks than having a smaller screen. And there are many ways to define productivity.
I've been watching a new sci-fi show: Marvel: Agents of Shield (or something like that). They heavily use tablets on that show (most seem to the MS Surface tablets). There is even this 3-tablet folding job that the lady scientist uses a lot. That thing would be cool to have.

Only one's imagination puts limits on how these devices are used. This is also a lot of people are drawn to Phablets....truth be told, one of these would be great for me since I rarely talk in the phone so having such a larger thing next to my head would not really be an issue. The larger screen enables one to accomplish a lot more productivity tasks than having a smaller screen. And there are many ways to define productivity.

Yes, I agree about lots of potential and varying productivity.

I've been away from my office for weeks and have been doing work on iPad, as well as on my MBP. I break out the MBP only when I really have to, because of its form factor vs. iPad. Money clearly isn't a consideration, since I have both; I'm using whichever i find more convenient and useful for whatever I'm trying to do.

I also don't agree with what Seraphim said about cheap products, either -- at least in the context we're talking about. Before iPad, I owned two netbooks along with full-size laptops at the same time. I used the netbooks for reading books and surfing because they did exactly what I needed without having to break out my full-size laptops. The netbooks were cheaper, but did exactly what I needed before iPads were available, because they were smaller and lighter. At this point, the netbooks are several years old, but still more powerful than all my iPads, including my iPad Air. The key difference is form factor.

With Seraphim's and Mikey's posts, the key misses, IMO: Consumers and companies will buy whatever best meets their needs, but as individual demographic/data points, none of us represents the needs of all consumers.
I want the bigger screened iPad. I hope to be able to buy it one day. 128GB. #puttingitouttotheuniverse ;)

Sent from my Black 64GB Fifth Generation iPod touch using iPF
I think one of the points missed here about one wanting the larger display iPad vs Laptop is iPads OS. I plainly would prefer the larger display more expensive iPad over my current laptop for its OS. I like interacting with it much better.
I think one of the points missed here about one wanting the larger display iPad vs Laptop is iPads OS. I plainly would prefer the larger display more expensive iPad over my current laptop for its OS. I like interacting with it much better.

For me, my original mention of touchscreen covered iPad OS. Mostly, I prefer touchscreen; I've got Android as well, and its OS works well for me, too.

As for other Apple OS, I prefer Windows.

Those are my personal preferences, though.

For some people, especially the elderly and some disabled people, having a bigger iPad screen would help overcome poor eyesight or coordination. For educational or family purposes, bigger screens would allow easier sharing. If Apple figures out how to let us have two apps running side by side, bigger screens would also be useful. There are many possibilities.
I agree I have 3 iPads and if they make a bigger ipad I would get that two and I just upgraded to the 128 gb ipad air .
My doctor only uses the ipad and I can see them switching over to the larger ipad screen, it would be great for files, court, and presentations .

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