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Application names in folders (iFile vs. other access)


iPF Novice
There's a setting in iFile to show application names when browsing the file system structure (e.g. /private/var/mobile/Applications shows folders with app names instead of their default "cryptic" number sequences). How does iFile do it -- i.e. does it actually check the content of each of those folders to bring the name up? Is there any other way to see the names (other than checking each folder separately) if you're using other means of accessing the system (e.g. via SSH)?
If I'm not using iFile (or iFunbox, the computer program), then I don't know any way to decipher those app codes. What I usually do, if I'm SSHing in to the device, is open iFile on that iPad and browse the apps at the same time. That way, I can see right away what the names are. It doesn't help to look at another iDevice, either (as I've discovered the codes are different on each device).

Sorry, but that's all I've got. Oh, but another plug for iFunbox here. Granted, it's access with a USB cord - but you can see app names...

Thanks for the tip, iFunbox seems awesome at first sight.
Well, I assumed these programs pick the app names out of the apps' respective subfolders, and in turn display them on screen. Each of the folders with "cryptic" names namely contains one subfolder that is named SomeAppName.app (along with other subfolders there e.g. Documents, Library, tmp), and that's likely the source of the name to be displayed in the program's interface. Unfortunately when you're sshing to iPad, I don't see any other way but to enter the subfolder and see WhatsWrittenThere.app, so it's pretty much a needle in a haystack (or, of course, checking it in parallel with iFile, as you suggested).
For info, the name of the app is found from looking inside "folder/appname.app/Info.plist" in an item called "CFBundleDisplayName".
iFile interrogates each of these plist items for each application folder in order to place names against them.

Hope that clarifies :)

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