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Apps aren't installing


iPF Noob
Whenever I try and download and install an app, it will say "waiting" and then say "installing" the waiting part is Fine but when it gets to the installing part it's like my iPad freezes and it won't work ( the app) and so I end up having to turn off my iPad and turning it back on or else the app would be stuck there. Is my iPad broken ? Does and anyone else have thus problem ? Does anyone know how to fix it?
Ribena xxx
Hi Ribena--

What version are you running on your iPad? Have you tried to force close the apps to quit it? Let us know. You may need to close out some of your apps in the background to free up some ram.


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Hi and welcome to the Forum!

We seem to be getting a lot of problems with downloading and updating apps lately. Have you updated your iPad recently to the new version, as apps coming through now will have been updated and you could run into problems here if you haven't.

2 very informative threads from which you will learn many tips and shortcuts for the IPad.


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