iPF Noob
Hi there, so I've just bought my Ipad, joined the forum, done my little introductary post and now onto the stuff I really wanna know..
I've recently started at uni after years out of education. The main thing I want out of my ipad is organisational and time management tools. I really want something which I can use to keep track of and organise all my uni work and timetables and especially something which will actively remind me of important deadlines etc..
I've had two apps recommended to me, these are Evernote and Things for Ipad.
Evernote seems to be recommended and talked a lot about on here and I've just downloaded it seeing as it's free. Thing is I'm struggling to see where to start with it, is it just a fancy note-taking tool? Fair enough if it is, but then how does it then intigrate with things that I think I really need like calendars, alarms, priority lists etc?..
Is this where Things for Ipad comes in? Would these two apps work in conjunction to give me the kind of thing I want? This one is a lot more pricey at £13.99 but if it's gonna help me I don't mind paying.
As you can probabley tell I'm a little confused by it all, I've looked at other apps and the choice is confusing me further! I think my main problem is I don't know how apps will communicate with each other and therefore be used together.
I suppose what I'm really asking is will these two work well together for the kind of thing I want and also if there's other options.. Or maybe just pointers on how to look at the whole thing, I'm not sure I really get the proper gist of how apps like this can work together..
Well I hope I've made some sense! Any advice would be much appreciated.
I've recently started at uni after years out of education. The main thing I want out of my ipad is organisational and time management tools. I really want something which I can use to keep track of and organise all my uni work and timetables and especially something which will actively remind me of important deadlines etc..
I've had two apps recommended to me, these are Evernote and Things for Ipad.
Evernote seems to be recommended and talked a lot about on here and I've just downloaded it seeing as it's free. Thing is I'm struggling to see where to start with it, is it just a fancy note-taking tool? Fair enough if it is, but then how does it then intigrate with things that I think I really need like calendars, alarms, priority lists etc?..
Is this where Things for Ipad comes in? Would these two apps work in conjunction to give me the kind of thing I want? This one is a lot more pricey at £13.99 but if it's gonna help me I don't mind paying.
As you can probabley tell I'm a little confused by it all, I've looked at other apps and the choice is confusing me further! I think my main problem is I don't know how apps will communicate with each other and therefore be used together.
I suppose what I'm really asking is will these two work well together for the kind of thing I want and also if there's other options.. Or maybe just pointers on how to look at the whole thing, I'm not sure I really get the proper gist of how apps like this can work together..
Well I hope I've made some sense! Any advice would be much appreciated.