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Apps vs HD Apps; My (Newbie) Mistake

So, I just got my new iPad 2 and synched my stuff last night.

I started trying my apps out, and right away I could see that some of the apps for my iTouch were not compatible (or so I thought) on the iPad.

Example: I have both versions of Angry Birds on my iTouch.

When I opened the App on my iPad, it was small and the same size as on my Touch.

So, my husband went online to look up how to make it work. My husband is very much all things "Apple" challenged. I should have "researched" it - my mistake.

Remember, I am only 1/2 hour into owning this iPad. I thought it was just an oversized iTouch - my mistake again.

The "answer" he found said that there were HD Apps I needed in order to play full screen on my iPad.

I later found out this was not the only correct answer . . .

You do not have to buy new Apps for everything.

It was only minutes after I paid for the HD App that I found the zoom button to make it full screen, it's just not in "HD".

I guess you call this a learning curve . . . .
Welcome! Thanks for sharing your learning experience. I only buy HD apps, but yes you can make that screen lots bigger!
I'm absolutely positive there will be more mistakes on my part -

Thanks for the link, I have the manual and will be in for some heavy reading!

If I can save one other person time and frustration I have no problem sharing my mistakes.
There are basically three types of apps in the store.

iPhone, iPod Touch apps: You can run these on your iPad, either small or in 2X mode as you discovered.

iPad apps: These run only on the iPad. Usually the best quality since they were designed for the tablet from the beginning.

Universal apps: These apps will adjust their screen size and user interface depending on what device you are using. You only have to buy them once to use on all your iOS device *1. These apps are marked with a small plus sign in the top left corner of the price/free/install button.

*1 You do need to watch for apps that need features you may not have, like a camera, GPS, or gyroscope. Sometimes they will work with limitations, other times they won't work at all. If you download them from the device you intend to use them on, they will usually refuse to load if they are not compatible.

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