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iPF Noob
Hi everyone

I'm new to this forum and certainly has afew burning questions to ask.

1) Any recommendations for "Microsoft office" apps including reading PDF? How about openoffice.org? Any free ones that are equally reliable?

2) Any anti virus for Ipad?

3) Can I get a external harddisk via usb to use as a data storage while I'm using the apps in Ipad?

4) Any recommended video/audio player to recommend such as Mp3, Mp4 etcs..........

Hope it is not a tall order with my enquires..............looking forward to your help before waiting for my new Ipad in a few days time....;)
Hi there!
1.) You could try documents to go for microsoft apps. it would allow you to create and edit. All apps should be downloaded from the itunes app store only. unless you are jb.
for viewing files goodreader is the best at 0.99$.
2.) have'nt heard of any anti virus for ipad. dont think it's needed though.
3.) external harddisk cant be use with Ipad. camera connector kit only allows transfer of pics. and no other files.
4.) Ipad already has preinstalled app like ipod, and videoplayer. it can play both your mp3's and mp4's. Or you could download VLC app for free.

Hope that helps a bit.
thanks for your lovely response.......

Regards to the microsoft office apps, which one can I use, Iworks, Openoffice.org or something else.......btw how much it cost? is it yearly or one time only?:confused:

I'm referring as in, using it with edit,rename and the rest of the full functions in excel, words & powerpoint? Any of the above have the full function as well? How about PDF? please advice..........
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Documents to Go ($16.99) would be my personal choice for MS Office. While it has the ability to read PDF, I like GoodReader ($0.99) for PDFs. The iWorks suite will end up costing $30 ($10 for each app.)

There is not a yearly cost involved, only a one time fee when getting from the App Store.

Openoffice.org is not compatible with the iPad.
Hi there

Afew more questions to ask about apps installing.

1) When I select and paid the apps, what will be the installing procedure if I want the apps to be in my Ipad? Install first in my laptop and auto sync or auto sync to Ipad and install it from there?

2) Assuming if I successfully install apps in Ipad, can I maintain and keep the data from the apps separately into my laptop or possibly into a hard disk thru Ipad usb adaptor? Possible?

3) Can I have a desktop and laptop sharing with my Ipad?

4) Since the Ipad has the wireless ability, can I do a wireless print into a network printer?

5) May I know what's the bluetooth function in the Ipad?

I seek your patience to the above questions cos I'll be expecting the arrival of my Ipad soon hence I don't have the liberty of looking into the manual at this point in time. ;)

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