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Arrow/cursor keys in virtual keyboard


iPF Novice
Arrow keys is an often posted subject... but I'd like to make a request to JB tweak developers out there for a tweak I'd really like to see someone develop... a tweak to include four cursor/arrow keys in the virtual keyboard like you get in physical keyboards. There's space in the previous/next bar to include them (say, on the right hand side).

I can now touch type quite nicely on the iPad virtual keyboard but it's so frustrating having to move my finger up to the text, holding it still to get the magnifying glass and positioning it to the right place, then lifting my finger to find I'm off by a character and having to repeat the process all over again. Having arrow keys would be such a simple and convenient resolution.

Absence of this one little feature stops me using my iPad in the work environment, typing meeting notes, etc.

Maybe those "five row keyboard" devs could build it into their excellent tweak.
Heres the deal,
the 5 row tweak uses preexisting keys, just in a different place.
To make a keyboard with arrow keys, would require creating new keys, and creating brand new commands. That is probably very hard to do.

Kudos to a dev that can do this. :)

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