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Artist apps, tools, demos, & links for the ipad


iPF Noob
One of the main reasons I wanted an ipad was the ability to use it as a digital sketchpad/canvas...
& as a replacement for my design notes & drawings in my moleskines. I also want to use it as a portable portfolio.

I would like to draw onto a photo while discussing & changing ideas with a client.
I would then like to be able to bring those sketches/paintings back to the studio & export them into PS, Painter, etc.
I would also like to find a small vector program that exports to AI.

So I started a list of app/product review links that I will be checking out... As, I am still waiting for my 3G ipad, I am using this time to develop this list.

I have not tried any of the apps, so other opinions would be nice, as I am searching for ones that are fairly well recommended & worth the money & time.

If you have other artist links & apps that you as an artist recommend, please add.


[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uKIVZeYiTN4]YouTube - iPad Painting Demo[/ame]
(ipad + sketchbook pro + pogo sketch stylus)

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Is-t7fsU4Nw]YouTube - Ipad sketch on sketchbook pro[/ame]
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jYSRQDxeGZY]YouTube - Drawing on the Apple Ipad[/ame]
(ipad + sketchbook pro & brushes + pogo sketch stylus + fingerless glove)

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5oNCvAMldKE&feature=related]YouTube - iPad Caricature Demonstration with Sketchbook Pro (by Digital Artist Angie Jordan)[/ame]
(ipad + sketchbook pro + pogo sketch stylus... how-to demo of app, saving & printing your work)

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bEU0EmiZcAk]YouTube - Best iPad App - Drawing Pad![/ame]
(ipad + drawing pad + stylus?... looks like good app for use with kids)

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Sqb1T5WERos]YouTube - Art Authority for iPad[/ame]
(art authority app... historical museum of art for ipad)

Ipad Drawing/Painting Apps:

SketchBook Pro: (exports as psd file)
SketchBook Pro Entertainment App | Macworld

Brushes: (exports high-resolution to mac w/ ‘brushes viewer’)
iPad version of Brushes comes into view | Photography | iPhone Central | Macworld

SketchPad HD: (digital journal type app... exports as pdf)
SketchPad HD Utilities App | Macworld

Layers: (exports jpg or psd w/layers)
Layers for iPad adds online gallery, Pro options | Entertainment | iPhone Central | Macworld

ArtStudio: (currently developing app for ipad)

Ideas: (can export to mac for PS & AI; exports to PDF, vectors, 50 undo, free app)
Adobe?? Ideas 1.0 for iPad Entertainment App | Macworld

Stylus & Pen Tablet Apps:

Pogo Sketch: (I will buy one, but I hoping for much more competition with much better designs)
Pogo Sketch

Inklet: (waiting for ipad version to be made... pressure sensitivity would be fabulous!)
Inklet Trackpad Tablet

Artist Magazines on Ipad:

Advanced Photoshop

Photoshop Creative

3D Artist mag

3D creative mag


Digital Photographer mag
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I am a bit of an artist, but never did the digital thing. I would like to see the output of these in the future and see how it compares to classic drawing, painting etc....
Just seems to me that the tactile feel of the medium be it paper or canvas of whatever would be missed.
You are correct, w/ digital art the feel of traditional media is definitely missing.

But it can provide many advantages for preliminary design & compositional layouts for later paintings... you can move elements within the compositions without having to redraw every time... communicating & adjusting ideas with clients is easier, etc... & I hope the ipad makes field work a little easier too.

I am a constant doodler, idea & note jotter & a professional artist working in real media for large-scale commissioned & public art projects... but I also work to improve my digital art skills so I am able to move my art into new materials & areas... & though I still paint & draw in the old-fashioned analog style.. I love working in the digital realm too & can’t wait to explore that w/ the ipad.


If some of the art done by iphone & ipod touch artists are any indication, I think what will be done on the ipad in the future will only get better.

classical artist, David Kassan’s example of his iphone sketching:
Drawing: Drawing on the iPhone - The Drawing Blog - Artist Daily

some other Iphone & Ipod touch artist galleries:

Flickr: salnavarro's Photostream

iPad & Touch 2010 - a set on Flickr

Flickr: Goro Fujita's Photostream

Digital Drawing

Brushes - Ipad edition discussion group by developer:
Flickr: Discussing Brushes ? iPad Edition in Brushes Gallery ? iPhone Art

Thanks DKS for the useful info and for posting a link to my early attempts at the iphone brushes app, I got the ipad right away and got the brushes app about 3 weeks ago and have been playing around by drawing people on the subway here in NYC, and took the ipad with me to LA where I did some museum studies with it. Last week I filmed myself finger painting from the model that was in my studio for a three hour session, I also webcast the session on ustream which was a blast, Had a great time demoing the app and iPad to folks all over the world. Anyway, I posted a quick paint from the session on you tube yesterday and I thought you might dig it.

here is a link to the youtube clip.


thanks again for the rad post.
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