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AT&T Launches New Stolen Phone Blocking Service


iPadForums News Team

The Verge reports that AT&T is about to launch a new service that will enable users to report and block their phones and other devices when they are stolen. According to The Verge’s source, AT&T will launch the new service next Tuesday, July 10, having already informed its customer service representatives about the new scheme. The instructions that AT&T have sent out to its employees say that AT&T intends to create a blacklist of stolen devices, with service being automatically suspended should anyone try to use a device that has been stored on the blacklist. In order to add a device to the blacklist, you must directly contact an AT&T customer representative. For those customers who have the ability to use remote data wipe apps, they will be instructed to use them to wipe their device’s data before the device is suspended, to ensure that their personal data cannot be accessed. The Verge notes that its sources say that AT&T won't have a directory of blocked phones, and that only the person who initiated the block will be able to ask that the block be removed.

Source: AT&T to launch new blocking service for stolen devices on July 10th | The Verge

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