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Attention Users: Don't be afraid to start new threads!


Staff member
Unfortunately some users are scared to participate on the site... either by participating in an existing thread or by starting their own if they have a question.

We ask that you not be afraid to just jump right in, the only dumb question is the one unasked.

So, if you search the site and don't find a satisfactory answer, feel free to start a new thread.

Simply look for the "New Thread" button in any section except the "iPad News & iPad Polls" section (those are reserved for only admins to start new threads in) and ask away!

If you'd like to start a new thread in the iPad General Discussion area, simply click the button below:

Or click this link: http://www.ipadforums.net/newthread.php?do=newthread&f=6

And a new thread will be started for you.

Thanks for being a member!
Are you going to have a 'How To' forum so that folks can post various step-by-step instructions on how to accomplish a specific task, example, how to download books from the Gutenberg Project through iTunes into the iPad.

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That would be pretty awesome I think. I could do a write up on Nero Recode, Jailbreaking the iPad, etc.

And definitely start new threads. It gives us post whores with nothing better to do during our day.
thanks, will do.
I got to this site from searching on google a problem with my itouch.
I gotta make three replies before I can post pics. So excuse me it this post means nothing :)

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