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Audio editing on an ipad

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iPF Noob
I am looking for a free simple audio editor to use on my iPad to edit mostly wave files that I record, such as birds thunderstorms etc... Thanks in advance for any help you can give
I am looking for a free simple audio editor to use on my iPad to edit mostly wave files that I record, such as birds thunderstorms etc... Thanks in advance for any help you can give
Hello and welcome to the forum! :) Have you had a look yet at GarageBand for iOS - if not check the link to see if the app might fit your needs; you can download a User's Guide HERE - also tell us which iPad and iPadOS you are using; GarageBand features likely vary with models and operating systems. I'm not that familiar w/ the app so hopefully other 'musician-types' will chime in w/ advice. Good luck - Dave
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I am using an iPad Air 3 just updated the iOS so I have the newest version. But I will try garage band. It might answer my needs.
I want to thank you both for getting back to me so quickly. I will try Bothe these programs out today and see which one is best, but now I have a couple of solid leads.
I have yet another question. I down loaded and installed Garage Band on my iPad. I tried to import one of my .wav files to edit and they are all grayed out!!! Can garage band use .wav files, and if so how do get them in there to edit??

I also downloaded Ferrite and it looks great, but the file I imported is over 10 mins long so I can't edit it in the free edition. So I will try a smaller file later. Any ideas??
You can't open a sound file in Garage Band. You have to create a project, add a track, and import the file as a loop. Here is a video I found on how to do this. It's for the iPhone, but the process is the same.

Keep in mind that Garage Band is primarily a music creations app, so the tools are optimized for that use. There are going to be a lot of extra tools you don't need, and a lack of powerful tools for processing the audio file.

I didn't realize the file length limits on the free Ferrite version were that small. I've had the app for a long time, so I've never had to pay the curren price upfront. Rather I paid a couple of smaller upgrade fees along the way. I think it is worth it.

As far a I know there isn't any other app comprable for iOS/iPadOS. At least none of the podcasters that talk about editing their shows talk about alternatives beyond Garage Band and Ferrite. And they've said very little about Garage Band since Ferrite. There are probabsly a few other apps out there, I just don't know anything about them.

The only other apps I've heard mentioned were for the Mac.
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OK, I see what you mean. I got the file opened. Thanks now I can play. As far as the limit in ferrite, It won't normally be a problem, as I usually record files around 2-5 mins. long. It just happened that this file was 16.
Good. When you've played bit, let us know what you think.

If you get stuck, there should be quite a few tutorials and demos for both apps on YouTube.
Moravi is an app available in the App Store. It doesn‘t come pre-installed on iPads.

The OP hasn‘t been back since more than a year, so this problem has been solved, it seems. Thread closed.
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