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Backing Up After Jailbreaking?


iPF Noob
I am still undecided whether I want to jailbreak. One issue that confuses me is what to do about syncing and backing up after one JB's. I understand that before JBing, one should backup his/her iPad. That backup could be used to restore the iPad in the future, if something goes wrong with the JB or if one needs to go to the Genius Bar about a problem with the iPad (to put the iPad in a pre-JB state).

I understand that iTunes keeps only one backup copy. Well, what does one do about backing up after JBing? How about syncing?

Thanks for any help.
You should be able to synch and backup even after jailbreaking.

Sent From my jailbroken interestingcompanionPad using iPF!
Nothing changes for backing up and synching with iTunes for those with jail broken iPads. Its the same process.

However, the backup only covers the App Store apps. If you want to back up your tweaks and such from Cydia (to include various settings such as how you have your layout), then may I recommend you get PGKBackup. Yeah, it's a $7.99 (USD) tweak in Cydia, but the sheer convenience of having ALL of your jailbroken tweaks and settings saved is priceless. It will save countless hours should you ever have to restore the iPad, or need to go back to a back up.

Hope that helps.


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