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Backing up the iPad - unexpected error message


iPF Novice
I back-up my 3rd Generation iPad under iOS7.0.4 (11B554a) using a USB cable connected to my iMac which runs under Mavericks OSX.10.9.1 Build 13B42.

I back-up via iTunes v11.1.3 (8) 64-bit using both options: "iCloud, Backup the most important data on your iPad to iCloud" and "This computer, A full backup of your iPad will be stored on this computer".

Progress bars move as expected so my assumption, without any real cast-iron proof, is that the back-ups are working and yet, after backing up I get an error message.

Today's stated: "iCloud back-up, This iPad hasn't been backed up in 9 weeks. Back-ups happen when this iPad is plugged in, locked! and connected to wifi" on my home screen and in the middle of my browser which was the first app I went to after backing up.

But surely I have just backed up?

In the absence of any grey paint which I could watch dry - I watched it do it. (Maybe I should get out more and get a life!)

What is going on? Are my back-ups taking place and if not why not? If they are, then why am I getting the error messages?

How can I check both my iCloud and iMac to see if and when back-ups have taken place?

Many thanks in advance.
Have a look at this link and it will illustrate what you should be seeing when your iPad is backed up both via iTunes and iCloud.

I have gotten that same message myself occasionally and it was because my backup was larger than the free 5gb you get in cloud storage. I'm a photo hoarder! So how large is your backup? If it is too large, it should say this when you go into iCloud in your settings app.
Thanks, leelai.

According to the iPad's Settings I have the standard 5GB allocation of which 3.7GB is free so it seems unlikely that I've run out of space.

I only back up what iTunes calls the most important data, although I confess that I don't know what that is as I've never needed to restore anything from iCloud!

I rely on the back-up to my iMac for security and, in any event, I don't keep anything on the iPad which would cause me heartache if it disappeared.

I note, however, that there is an option to back up to iCloud via iTunes and via the iPad's settings.

The latter was switched off and indeed showed I hadn't backed up since mid November and yet I use the iTunes method every few days.

Are these not one and the same?

I inferred that they both did exactly the same thing and that I needed only to do the iCloud back-up by one of those methods - not both!
You can either backup to iTunes or iCloud or both. Some don't have a mac or PC, so the cloud is a great alternative. I myself do both, as like I said before, my photos tend to get out of hand and then my iCloud won't backup as I'm over the limit. It's always a good reminder for me to get my act together and sort it. ;)

Have a look at this link.....it explains it much better than I'll ever be able to.


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