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Backing up the Ipad


iPF Noob
I am new to Apple. I ordered the 32GB, 3G Ipad. I currently use a backup program from Paragon to back up my entire windows system, including the operating system. It has really proven useful. If I happen to get a virus that gets by my anti-virus program or something else really bad, I can simply restore my complete system from a different hard drive where I have the copy stored. How can something like this be done with the Ipad? I know it syncs with Itunes, but can the whole flash drive be re-done from a copy that you make with some program, similar to Paragon? It could be really useful.
If it is like the iPhone, it will be backed up automatically every time you sync with iTunes. No need for special software.
Yes, I believe once you connect it to the computer, everything will automatically get backed up via iTunes. There should be no need for additional backup software.

btw, Welcome to the Forum!
Thanks for the welcome

I am looking forward to my ipad and a really great forum. Just purchased and installed an Airport Extreme and setup my wireless network. Works great. After I convert from Windows to Appleism, will my religion be next?

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