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Been ripping movies to iPad, Wish I have gotten the 64gb!


iPF Noob
I travel a lot in my line of work, and this will be my first trip without a laptop. I'm only bringing my iPad, hope it won't let me down!

Been ripping tons of movies so i have stuff to watch for my next few weeks of travels. This will be my first trip without bringing my computer.

would be nice if i got the 64gb one, or if ipad will support using a portable hard drive.

I got one of those portable guitar stands to hold up the ipad, works pretty good.
This will be my test of the iPad, see how well it will hold up on the road. By no means am i comparing it to a laptop, i just need it for email, some internet, and mainly movies and music.
You could always get an airstash. That should give you all the room you need. I got a 32 GB sd card from newegg for $99 and it works great. The airstash works great with my iPad and touch but not too good with my pre yet. They're working on updates.
Edlex, how do you connect to the airstash? Does it just show up like a wireless router would? Select it and it displays your files in the web browser?
The iPod touch/iPhone preset on handbrake gives a pretty good balance between quality and file size - looks fine on my iPad. Usually 200-250 MB / hr of content.
I have two solutions for you. First is the D-Link DNS 323 2-Bay Network Storage Enclosure NAS server or something similar. I have one set up on my home network with two 1.5TB drives. It comes with software to configure it as an FTP server. I have access to my movies, music and books without overloading my portable devices. I also use it to keep backup data and mirror images of my computer C drives.

The second is online storage. The company that hosts my wife's web site provides unlimited online storage as part of the package. I used to keep portable data there and access it through FTP. I don't do this since I purchased the D-Link device, but it does provide one more backup for very important data.
Use airvideo app and set up the PIN server, this way you can watch either over wifi on home network or on the go you can watch on someone elses (work or friend or open wifi) or on your 3G connection though not as good. Go buy a 1TB HD for like $100 and rip them all to that then add the folder where you have all the DVDs located and you are good to go. I am a teacher and as we speak my students are watching History Channel show that I recorded using Elgatos EyeTV on my Mac via Airvideo on my iPad and the VGA connector.
Use airvideo app and set up the PIN server, this way you can watch either over wifi on home network or on the go you can watch on someone elses (work or friend or open wifi) or on your 3G connection though not as good. Go buy a 1TB HD for like $100 and rip them all to that then add the folder where you have all the DVDs located and you are good to go. I am a teacher and as we speak my students are watching History Channel show that I recorded using Elgatos EyeTV on my Mac via Airvideo on my iPad and the VGA connector.

This is exactly what i am doing and it's fantastic. I also have a netflix account so i have access to their streaming library.
Edlex, how do you connect to the airstash? Does it just show up like a wireless router would? Select it and it displays your files in the web browser?

Yes it shows up as a router. Once you choose it you go to airstash.net on safari and it shows you all your files. Pick the file and it streams if it's media or appears if it's a picture.
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Thanks Edlex, airstash sounds like just what I need, is it also very portable?

I'm using iPad mate to rip dvds and avi movies. it's preset usual is over a 1.2-2 gb for a full length movie. i can adjust the settings to make the videos much smaller but would have to sacrifice quality.

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