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Using Bento on my Ipad. Are they anyway to back it help on my home PC ? Itunes will not back up all the libraries. Help, Help.
Our Bento expert is twerppoet and he lives on the West Coast of the US so, if he's any sense, he's fast asleep. But I'm sure he'll be around in a few hours...

Unless you own a Mac, and are willing to buy Bento for OS X, there is no good way to backup Bento files. The OS X and iOS versions will sync, and the OS X version has a lot more options for backing up and manipulating the databases.

The standard iTunes backup should contain your Bento backups, but you would have to restore the entire iPad to recover them. That means you would lose all other changes on the iPad since the last backup, not just changes to your Bento databases. Since iTune only keeps the very last backup, it is all too easy to lose even these backups. If you also backup your computer on a regular basis it is theoretically possible to recover older backups; however it is all a major pain.

This is why I do not currently recommend Bento as a stand alone database on the iPad. Otherwise it's an excellent app. There were rumors that they would be adding DropBox support, but with the eminent release of iOS 5 and iCloud I expect that support first; at least I'm hopping for that support. Even though I do have the OS X version I would like the iPad version to be less dependent on it.
twerppoet said:
Unless you own a Mac, and are willing to buy Bento for OS X, there is no good way to backup Bento files. The OS X and iOS versions will sync, and the OS X version has a lot more options for backing up and manipulating the databases.

The standard iTunes backup should contain your Bento backups, but you would have to restore the entire iPad to recover them. That means you would lose all other changes on the iPad since the last backup, not just changes to your Bento databases. Since iTune only keeps the very last backup, it is all too easy to lose even these backups. If you also backup your computer on a regular basis it is theoretically possible to recover older backups; however it is all a major pain.

This is why I do not currently recommend Bento as a stand alone database on the iPad. Otherwise it's an excellent app. There were rumors that they would be adding DropBox support, but with the eminent release of iOS 5 and iCloud I expect that support first; at least I'm hopping for that support. Even though I do have the OS X version I would like the iPad version to be less dependent on it.

Any improvement since Jan 2011 ? My entire business contact info is on Bento for ipad only. Feeling very nervous !
Lara Murphy said:
Any improvement since Jan 2011 ? My entire business contact info is on Bento for ipad only. Feeling very nervous !

Thanks for explaining previous question.....makes me feel a little twitchy :)
Is it possible to email attached pdf's (from filemaker) or jpegs from Bento ? Have not figured out how to email direct from Bento with an attachment ?
Actually, there have been changes now.

Bento 4 allows you to email your database as a .csv file. This can be used to import the data to another database or spreadsheet. It is not ideal, but it would save all the important information in a contact database.

Yes, you can now email your media. Just tap on the picture for a menu of options, including email and Saving ti to the Photos app.

You won't get Bento 4 as an update. There are a lot of improvements and new features, so the developers choose to release it as a new app. I happen to think it was worth it, and that they deserver more money for the work they have done, other's might not.

They have been offering it at a reduced price so previous users could upgrade, but that offer ends today; so if you should get to the App Store, look over the new stuff, and decide if you want it; pronto.

I'm not sure what you can do with FileMaker. There is a FileMaker Go app that is designed to work with Filemaker. It's free, but can not be used stand alone.
I have no idea how to send my Bento database into the photo app or .csv file !!! Please please could you send me a step by step instruction - would be eternally grateful.
My business partner has bought bento for mac and weare struggling to sync devices even though we are both on the same wi-fi network .
Auito !!!! :)
If you want real syncing, you'll need to get the OS X version of Bento 4. It will let you sync up to two devices with the same computer. It's wi-fi syncing on the same network, and both apps (on the computer and iPad) must be running.

If you need something more than that, you'll have to upgrade to FileMaker, and use the FileMaker Go app on the iPad. Not cheap, but a much more powerful solution. Or maybe the HanDBase app will do what you want. Not as pretty, but probably worth looking into.

If you just want to transfer (one time) the basic data fields to the another iPad, mailing the csv file will work. The caveats are that only basic text and number fields transfer, no media (pictures, sound) or logical (checkmark, true/false) fields eckmark, true/false). It creates a new database. You can not use it to sync/add content to an existing one.

At any rate. To export a csv file, select the database then tap the (i) info icon at the top right and choose Email Library. An email will pop up with the attachment. Enter the email address and edit the subject as needed.


When it arrives on the destination iPad, tap and hold the attachment. If Bento 4 is installed it will come up as an Open In options. What you are seeing here is the new iOS 6 Open In... dialog. The iOS 5 one may require a couple extra steps/menus, but you still start by tap-holding the attachment.

Good Day,
I had a full database of data on both the Mac and the iPad.
When my Mac HDD crashed and I reinstalled Bento, i wanted to do a sync to move the ipad data back to the mac.
Well, that did not happen. The blank data from the mac overwrote my ipad data.
Is there any chance to retrieve my iPad data?
This will be a huge bummer if I cannot.
Any chance you've been keeping Time Machine backups on an external HD? That's your best bet.

Bento occasionally asks if you want to backup the databases. If you said yes, and can locate that file by some means.

If you've been keeping iPad backups, on the computer or in iCloud, and haven't overwritten it yet, try to restore from that backup.

Unlikely, but it it hasn't been too long, maybe this will work. I've never tested it (an hope to keep it that way) so use at your own risk.
How to Recover Deleted Files, Restore Lost Data from iPhone

If you replaced the HD, you might be able to send the old one to a shop that specializes in recovering information from dead drives.

That's all the ideas I have at the moment.
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For some odd reason, I did not even consider the backup option. Foolish me.
Anyway, I have restored the back and all is well.

Thank you VERY much for your help.
That's great to hear.

Databases are too much work to lose, so make sure you keep those backups going. I don't like Time Machine backing up every hour, and I don't need that much redundancy, so what I've done is set a re-occuring reminder in Calendars that goes off every other day at 2100. I'm almost sure to be at my computer at that point, and starting a backup is a matter of seconds.

Since iCloud's Documents and Data folders reside/sync on the iMac, that's a double backup for some things; though you do have to know where to go to find the documents.
I just joined the Forum.

Are there any new suggestions on backing up Bento databases? I have a music collection database I'd sure hate to lose.

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