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Best and Easiest Way To Transfer Photos To My iPad 2?

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iPF Noob
I have an iPad 2 on the way to me. Yesterday, I set up iTunes on my laptop PC. I store and process all of my photos on my desktop PC. I am going to put my better photos on a flash drive and place them on my laptop. I will set up folders by year taken and some sub-folders, by genre.

I have no intentions of uploading unprocessed photos directly onto my iPad. That said, what is the best and easiest way to transfer the photos that I place onto my laptop to the iPad 2?

Thanks for any help.

See if this will help! Sorry Jim! See if below info helps~

Originally Posted by Tim SPRACKLEN

1. Create a new folder on your PC e.g. name it: iPad Photo Designs
2. go inside this new folder and create five new folders and name them for eg:

- Bathroom
- Bedroom
- Kitchen
- Den
- Deck

3. Drag or copy/paste pictures inside those five folders.

4. Start iTunes: make sure your USB is connected on your PC and your iPad.

5. In photo sync do the select a folder:

Find the folder: iPad Photo Designs
Select that folder then click "apply" to start synchronize.

6. When sync is completed, start your iPad and touch photos, now all the five albums with pictures will appear.
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...but there is a catch using iTunes to transfer photos to your iPad. Nothing REALLY significant, but you should know that you can not delete photos from your iPad albums if they have been uploaded through iTunes. I realize you may have photos to upload that you have "worked on" (Photoshop, etc) but for just normal viewing the direct camera to USB/SD unit works great. BTW, I just returned from a week in Death Valley and uploaded my photos each night. After dinner I organized the day's activities into a Keynote presentation that grew each day. The last day I was able to WOW the rest of the hikers with a totally "professional" presentation. For my money, Keynote makes the iPad rock!!!! BJ
BJ, thanks for the info. If I deleted some photos off the "source PC" and then re-synced with the iPad, would that delete those photos from the iPad?

there is a 5 stare 1.99 app called photosync its eazy to use and it wireless

Have it, love it. But while you can save albums off your iPad with it you can't create or add to albums. Pictures copied to the iPad from the computer all end up in the Saved Pictures album.

Unless there is some trick I've missed. Not impossible. I've only been using it for a few days.

Too bad really. But unless you also turned off any photo syncing form iTunes it would cause problems. Maybe that's why they don't do it.
BJ, thanks for the info. If I deleted some photos off the "source PC" and then re-synced with the iPad, would that delete those photos from the iPad?


Yes, any changes you make to the folders on the computer will show up on the iPad after the next sync.

You should also be aware that while pictures copied to the the Saved Picture album form other sources (like the camera kit) will be originals. Pictures that are synced through iTunes to the other albums are optimized for display on the iPad. That means that the other albums in the Photos app are only good for showing off your pictures and importing medium resolution pictures to other apps. They should never be considered a good backup of your pictures.
I store all my original images, and processed images on my desktop and have an external HDD to keep backup copies of everyone of them. The iPad will not be used as additional storage. It will be used solely as a portfolio viewer.

In studying up on this issue, I see that iTunes blows a fuse if one attempts to use sub-folders of folders. Therefore, I will simply create and sync one folder at a time.

I also considered getting Photo Transfer App, which is highly rated, but it cannot transfer photos to separate folders. Bummer.

BTW, does iTunes hiccup when syncing JPEGS in the 10MB range? My images are fairly large.

Anyway, thanks for all the help. It is much appreciated.
If you use iTunes it is going to optimize the photos you sync. That's just a nice way of saying convert to jpg and reduce the resolution. They will look fine on the iPad and zoom to about 200% the normal display size.

There are apps in the store that will create more professional looking portfolios if the Photos app doesn't measure up. I don't use them, but a quick search turns up several
I have 25 gb of photos I want to transfer to my iPad2. iTunes wants to optimize the photos and I don't have enough room on my hard drive apparently. iTunes totally sucks. I just want to dump the pics in there. I have a 64 gb iPad and it has been a major pain just to get a few gigs of photos transferred.
If you use Picasa at all to share pictures Web Albums works great. It will display your albums just like you have them organized in Picasa. Also it will cache files if you are going to be off line.
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