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Best IPad Apps?

Depends on what you want/need to accomplish. Too many to mention otherwise. Some useful ones that almost anyone might need include GoodReader, DropBox, EverNote, and the iPF app that you probably used for your post.

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Flipboard !
Read about anything you're interested in all In one place. Looks good and you can flip through pages like a book.
I can keep up with apple, google, sports, cooking (BBQ), men's health, Facebook, religion all in one place.
Kindle, IMDB, Goodreader, AVPlayerHD, Google+, Teamviewer, Amazon, Zillow, DVD Profiler, Zinio, Flipboard, CNN, Engadget, Ustream, Netflix, HBOGo, Google Earth, TED, AbC Player, Amazon Instant Video, Speedtest, System Status, Tivo, Data Usage, Epicurious, Skyview, Medscape, WebMD, iFitness HD, Walgreens, Pimp My Screen, Audible, Magic Pianio, Spotify, Pandora, Dropbox, SugarSync, Evernote, Skydrive, Merriam Webster, Onlive Desktop.

I'm tired now. There are many, many more.
iBooks and iTunesU can't be beat, the app for the forum isn't too bad (I have been using that while lurking about and getting the nerve to join)

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