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Best Remote Desktop That Provides Audio?


iPF Noob
I want a remote desktop app and was wondering what was the best so didn't want to wast money so I thought I would ask all of you what you think the best is?. Also is there any remote desktop apps that you can stream the audio off the computer and not just the picture?.

From Ciaranjns
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[EDIT: The OP was asking especially for remote apps that provide audio, not just picture. While the links below do talk about audio, they are not specifically address it. Thread is reopened with my apologies to the OP. Now, can anyone help the person out?]

When it comes to soliciting opinions for remote desktop apps, you will find a plethora of people telling you about their favorite app. In fact, we have had lots of threads debating this very topic here at the iPad Forums. For example, these threads:


These are not all the threads, by the way. So, please, have a read through these and run a search on the forum for more (although, the first link had 39 pages of opinion!).

Given we have all these threads about which remote desktop app is best, I'm going to close this one.

Thanks for your understanding and good luck in your decision.

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