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Best simple "copy and paste" app ?


iPF Noob
I receive a lot of professional email (usually Gmail) that I read on my iPad2.

I would appreciate locating an app that would enable me to copy selected portions of an email and paste them to a separate file, which I could then email to myself when I'm in a WiFi zone or have cell coverage.


I may be misunderstanding this but why not just copy and paste in the email app, just hold your finger somewhere where you want to copy, click select or select all then drag the blue dots to the extremities of the part you want to copy. To paste in a new email, hold your finger in the writing area and the option to paste will come up.

The Archangel
Or you could get Evernote, and paste it into that. Then you'd have the same notes synced to any device/computer you want, or on the web when you can't get to your own devices.
I agree that evernote is the best program to keep notes. keeps all my devices interconnected. Dropbox is also useful if you need to keep your info in several devices at the same time.

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