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Best Third Party Calendar App


iPF Noob
For the most part, the iPad calendar does what I need it to do, however, I get really frustrated that I cannot set alerts more than a few days a head of time. I have been looking for a third party app that gives me more options. What are others using?

Has anyone tried Pocket Information HD? Does it provide alert options?

I've just checked and you can set an alarm up to 30 days in advance.

All the best
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Thanks for checking.

Does this mean you have the app? How do you like it? Worth 6.99 over the standard calendar?
I've only had the app for a few days but I quite like it. I had been using the standard calendar and a Task app called Sorted (which I like).

But rather than close one app down and fire the other one up, Informant does both the calendar and task duties.
I got Pocket Informant HD the other week when it went on sale. I think it's still on sale now.

I too was using the built-in Calendar app (synced to my Google calendar as well as another shared calendar) and a separate (now defunct in App Store) To Do knock-off app that syncs to my Toodledo account.

I am now using Pocket Informant HD since it does the same syncing but in one app with a better UI. However, on my iPhone, I'm still using the original two apps, so syncing across those apps and Pocket Informant HD definitely works great!
Anyone else try this app and like it. I am about to buy, but some reviews talk about the app freezing and crashing a lot. I am hesitant to pay for an app that will crash all the time, then be forced to wait for an update.
I like SaiSuke very much. Had this and Pocket Informant on my iPod. Choosed SaiSuke as main Calendar because I liked the month view. Had not tested Pocket Informant HD for iPad though, was not in the store when purchased SaiSuke.
I have pocket informant installed on both iPhone 3GS and iPad. It is excellent offers several features others don't for example repeat in 14 days or 21 days etc I use gmail which syncs my Macbook cal so if 8 make changes any where it is updated on google, the iPad , iPhone and Mac book apple cal. You can schedule multiple alarms with out any problem. The task section also works well
Not crashing now since updates.
Really pleased with the new ipad version well worth the money.

Col down under
Ok, purchased, great ui. But, question about alarms: do I have to turn in my iPad and launch the app to check alerts? Is there any way to set the alarm to alert while the iPad is in standby or while I am running another app?
Check preferences when alarm goes off it comes up on screen with audio I think
I believe it comes on in stand by mode

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