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Best way to play MP4 files on iPad


iPF Noob
Aug 9, 2010
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new york
Bear with me on this one guys, I have done a lot of testing and am running into a wall. This seems to me like it would be very easy to do.

I want to play MP4 files on my iPad but am trying to figure out the best players or applications for this as well as the best way to get them downloaded onto the device or use cloud based storage. Here are my issues:

Box.net - will not play file. It opens it, but is frozen
GoodReader - will not play file
Oplayer - plays the files, but there is a huge delay in the audio from the video.

Here are the 2 ways I am able to play these files with good quality:

1. Drobox - I was shocked that this worked. Put the file on the site and it plays immediately
2. Going to my Webmail in Safari and opening the file there. It plays in a new window with good quality

Has anyone else had big issues with the Oplayer quality? Dropbox seems like a good idea, but if I lose a 3G connection I can't play the file.

I want to save the files down to my iPad and play from there with a quality player. That way if the iPad is disconencted we can still use.

Why is this so difficult?
If the .mp4 is on your computer (and I assume it is), the open iTunes, click on File then Add File to Library... and navigate to the folder containing your video and select it. Now look under Movies on the left side of the screen and you should see your video. The next time you sync your iPad, the movie will be transferred over and you can play it with the built-in video app.

Tried what you suggested but the sync did not bring over the video.
I'm using the original IPAD.
Any thoughts?
After you import the movie into iTunes and you connect your iPad, look on the left side of iTunes and find your iPad listed there.

Click on your iPad and at the top of the summary screen for your iPad in iTunes, click on "Movies." You'll find a list of all the movies in iTunes. Click on the checkbox for each movie you want brought over to your iPad and then click on "Sync" in the bottom right-hand corner of the iPad screen within iTunes.

iTunes will then sync your iPad and transfer your movies.
Never mind.
I was able to drag-move it in Itunes to the Ipad.

Check out avplayerhd it should do exactly what you need.

Sent from my iPad using iPF
I've been using AVPlayerHD on my iPad to transfer files wirelessly and it works great. Two points for the OP. AVPlayer stores its movies at a location only it can get to. Also, it seems not to want to move any file over 2.0 GB in size.
use itunes sync your MP4 to Your iPad, then your iPad will support natively playing MP4 files.

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