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iPF Noob
My DH and myself were in BestBuy yesterday. We talked to Apple Rep there. He had all the Ipad information set up as well as software that can be used on Ipad. We asked if BestBuy would be selling Ipad and he told us "they are still in negotiations".
He said if we check back with him on March 1st there is a good chance he will be able to show us an Ipad. Interesting!;)
That is WOW!

But what did you mean he had all the iPad info (kiosk, backboards, carboard displays, pamphlets etc.?) as well as software set up?

It's against NDA with Apple if he has the SDK installed onto one of the display Macs, especially showing it to possible customers. So hopefully we dont have too many Best Buy employees ruining it for the rest of us. Although its nice to see screen captures of their ordering system to know in advance at times of upcoming hardware.

But hopefully this wont place Steve Jobs into a rage if he knows these things are conspiring at possible future retail outlets without his knowledge.

Still that is good news that we could possibly see something that soon! :comingsoon:
I did not mean to confuse!

He actually was and Apple Rep who worked for Apple I understand. He had different Apple computers he was showing. He had the video of the presentation set up to show of the release of the Ipad that Job did I saw some Software that I believe was part of the videi they showed on the video. Like I said this guy was working for Apple I am sure. Anyway I thought it is a good sign that it may be released earlier than expectedl;)

He did not have software installed, just some package software. He did have quite a bit of info. there, it was all related to the other Apple products as well so I dont think it was out of line. No more than we saw already but the fact they were showing it was interesting.
oh thanks for the answer, that all makes sense anyway.

I do know that Apple does not have actual Apple Reps at Best Buys, they are merely Best Buy employees that wear black Apple t-shirts as we do in our Apple service center, but that doesn't make me an Apple rep for sure.

From the sounds of it, he was showing you the Macworld event video when Steve Jobs revealed the iPad. Otherwise they do have Apple products on display as well and hopefully soon we will see the iPad on display too. ;)
My Mistake

I thought I was talking to an Apple Rep. however my big interest is whether the Ipad will be sold at BestBuy. I would love to be able to play with the Ipad a little before I buy it and we have no Apple store here. The closest is Charleston which would be 180 miles round trip. However if the only way to buy is through the internet store I will be ready to do that. I was hoping he had some inside info on the Ipad being sold at BestBuy but I guess we will have to wait and see. I am so hyped up about the ipad and I wish they would let us know when and where and how we can buy it.:confused:
I completely agree as well, I also still hold hope that his comment about the 1st means something other than waiting through the rest of the month to hear at least that much.

(I say I hold hope only because when I have done contract work within Best Buys, many times employees, especially Geek Squad, will make comments on technologies that I am more aware of and just ignore their ignorance and behave as they thought I should.) So hopefully this one was speaking from true knowledge and not assumption or mere rumor.

So not sure how often you and your Dear Husband makes it to Best Buy, but I am all ears when and if you hear more on that date.
(I say I hold hope only because when I have done contract work within Best Buys, many times employees, especially Geek Squad, will make comments on technologies that I am more aware of and just ignore their ignorance and behave as they thought I should.) So hopefully this one was speaking from true knowledge and not assumption or mere rumor.

AMEN people at Best Buy no nothing. If you want good information go to the horses mouth, go to Apple.
It would be interesting to se Best Buy and other chains get in the market, in fact they will but if I were an Apple exec I'd definitely keep first sales in Apple stores to sustain them.

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