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better quality, take picture & video from that IPAD-mini camera?


iPF Noob
Do you know how to better quality, take picture & video from that IPAD-mini camera, I want to get better quality FILE(S) , sound that build-in camera apps, IOS 7 is better than IOS 6. (now still used IOS6.X) but need upgrade to iOS7 ? or some 3-RD paid app(s) can help me? any advice please!
When you update to the latest software, you have the possibility to enable HDR in the Camera app.

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Do you know how to better quality, take picture & video from that IPAD-mini camera, I want to get better quality FILE(S) , sound that build-in camera apps, IOS 7 is better than IOS 6. (now still used IOS6.X) but need upgrade to iOS7 ? or some 3-RD paid app(s) can help me? any advice please!

If you are looking for DLSR quality, there really is no way. iPad Air has a better camera. Still Samsung and others put the iPad to shame.

Maybe the next upgrade will have a better pixel (10-12) range camera.
thanks, but hardware no changed (still IPAD-mini/IOS 6) is it software problem? (1) upgrade IOS to 7.1 and still use build-in apps: Camera/Videos? (2) get that 3-rd camera/video apps? (3) no changed, IOS 6 that build-in apps fine! and : how to set MAX/high quality pixel? AFAIK, is it fee/paid apps better than FREE apps? which method better?
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thanks, but hardware no changed (still IPAD-mini/IOS 6) is it software problem? (1) upgrade IOS to 7.1 and still use build-in apps: Camera/Videos? (2) get that 3-rd camera/video apps? (3) no changed, IOS 6 that build-in apps fine! and : how to set MAX/high quality pixel? AFAIK, is it fee/paid apps better than FREE apps? which method better?
Here are the technical specifications for the iPad mini:


That's what you have to work with. Third party camera apps such as Pro HDR or True HDR might improve the performance of the camera a bit. There's no setting to select pixels, though.
thanks, but hardware no changed (still IPAD-mini/IOS 6) is it software problem? (1) upgrade IOS to 7.1 and still use build-in apps: Camera/Videos? (2) get that 3-rd camera/video apps? (3) no changed, IOS 6 that build-in apps fine! and : how to set MAX/high quality pixel? AFAIK, is it fee/paid apps better than FREE apps? which method better?

See J. A post. With a 5MP camera, your photo's should be decent, but not what the 12 and 13MP phones now support. You can touch up, remove noise, etc on you PC with Lightroom, Photoshop programs; however, none of these will increase the original photo 5MP limit.

How bad are your photo's? Could you post a non-personal one, nature shot? Always possible camera sensor could be bad, if photos are really terrible.
thanks your advice. this is first used apple device. but I prefer used that "Camera/Video" apps more than ...(almost, offline used) anyway in DC, I can easy to set "Best+High Quality" and "pixel: set MAX value" almost ~6-8MB each picture. but if used MINI, is it simple set that "Quality".? is it not recommended? apple device just used that "Camera/Video" , same as DC that function , waste that apple device function?
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It has 5 mp, you can't choose the quality of the photos. There's nothing in Settings that allows changing pixels or anything else.
thanks your advice. this is first used apple device. but I prefer used that "Camera/Video" apps more than ...(almost, offline used) anyway in DC, I can easy to set "Best+High Quality" and "pixel: set MAX value" almost ~6-8MB each picture. but if used MINI, is it simple set that "Quality".? is it not recommended? apple device just used that "Camera/Video" , same as DC that function , waste that apple device function?

Hi PSK... - you're not describing your needs & problems very well - not sure what your main issue may be w/ the Mini's camera? As already discussed, the camera is 5 MP which is not bad - my first digital camera was a 2 MP Canon which took great images for internet upload (lower resolution was fine) - NOW, if you are wanting to print these images, then pixel size relative to printed image size is important, i.e. 300 DPI is the usual standard - take a look at the attached image - a 5 MP image should be able to produce an excellent 5 x 7 inch image.

Maybe you need to improve your photo taking? As an example, adequate light is important & holding the iPad absolutely still is crucial - give us some more specific information relative to my questions and also what you are trying to accomplish? Dave :)

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