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Biggest complaint so far: lack of text nav (arrow keys)


iPF Noob
Others have voiced this but maybe there's a solution out there...

The biggest problem I have with the iPad is that even modest text entry is very painful due to the lack of arrow keys on the soft keyboard. For example on websites like this forum, submitting a couple of paragraphs of text is extreme frustrating particularly when you need to correct a typo a couple lines back. For some reason repositioning the cursor by screen tapping is unreliable and sometimes impossible. And forget about when the text exceeds the size of the website's text window since you cannot scroll text within a text window.

Solutions welcome and sorely needed... The soft keyboard needs arrow keys at a minimum!
Maybe you dont know this yet but if you press and hold on text a magnifying glass pops up making it easy for you to position the cursor where ever you want.

tap once and hold to select text that you want to cut/copy.
Yes, use the magnifying glass, and you can position the cursor within a word. Its cool once you get used to it. Still wouldn't mind arrow keys though.
thanks for the mag glass tip... I tried... I think it will take some practice, but mostly it doesn't help at all if the text is larger than the web text window since the cursor position you might want is OUTSIDE of the viewing area... and text scrolling can be difficult or impossible on some websites without the help of arrow keys.
If you are inside a window and the text overfills. Select the window inside then use 2 fingers to scroll just try it works every time. Fingers should be wide ok
Even a simple DELETE key would be preferable to the magnifying glass, which I, for one, find rather awkward to use. I cannot believe that Apple did not include one. And, yes! Arrow keys for sure!
My daughter was using my iPad the other day ( if you can believe I actually let her ) and she said, "Mom, where is the arrow keys and the back keys?"


She had a few choice words which I took very personally!!:mad: Do NOT talk smack about my iPad, Please!

Maybe you dont know this yet but if you press and hold on text a magnifying glass pops up making it easy for you to position the cursor where ever you want.

tap once and hold to select text that you want to cut/copy.

Magnifying Glass solution... It takes some getting used to but quite effective...
Even the Mac wireless keyboard doesn't have a delete key as standard, has to be programmed with a keymapper. Someone needs to produce an Ipad keymapper if Apple won't give us our arrow keys!
Come you App nuts, here's your chance to make a fortune!!!!
I think there is space for one arrow key button on the keyboard, left to the A. Can be in the form of a pop-up so you can navigate arround and push it away when done. Apple should do smthng like that.
I would welcome arrow keys as well. I often forget about the mag glass and by the time I think to use it I'm already frustrated because simply tapping on a work SHOULD place the cursed where you tap... At least so says common logic thanks to years of working like that on every other computer and device.

The dark gray bar atop the keyboard would be an ideal place to place a drop down button for arrow keys.

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