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Bluetooth issues


iPF Noob
I downloaded IOS 5 and was able to pair my wife's Nokia X6 with the, iPad but I am unable to connect as the message states that the phone is not supported. We are beginning to regret the decision of buying an iPad as some of the main things we want to use it for for example photos, it doesn't want to play ball! Doesn't support my Nokia N96 either. Can't even get it to BT between new laptop which has W7 although it shows as paired and connected. Very disappointed!
Thanks Tim as getting a bit frustrated now as wife is giving me hassles because of the photos etc. As said previously she is non techie and expected the iPad to be able to do simple routine stuff. Enjoys email side of it though.
The iPad has a limited set of Bluetooth profiles and only supports Bluetooth keyboards and audio equipment - so no printers or cameras - although there been a few workarounds and apps that have managed to 'fix' the problem. You'll find some posts here where people have managed to bypass some - but not all - of the limitations.

Thanks Tim. Makes you wonder why a big company like Apple limit the BT devices that can be used? Is this a ploy for you to buy an apple iPhone. LOL! As we are both recently retired an iphone is a bit of an overkill however if I was still in work I would consider it. I can accept the phones not connecting on BT, but no PC BT connecting is a bit naff. Oh well got the rest of today to play with iPad and perhaps install some apps that you recommended reference printers.
I don't think it was anything deliberate - though, I agree, I'm not sure why they didn't include a fuller set of profiles. I think that, because the iPad was never considered as a phone, they didn't include the BT earpiece profile (it's different from audio profile) and that is coupled in with the profile that links to a mobile 'phone. So it probably 'slipped their attention' (if I'm being charitable!)


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