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Pardonnez-moi, mon français très horrible.

Which is why English is my first language, even if it's a secondary language in my country. Mérci, and again, pardonnez-moi.

- Sent from my BRAND-NEW iPad 2! :D

You speak French? That is so not fair. I use to live there. When I was little.

SweetPoison said:
I love this thread. So very cool.

Cause col likes cool people and that is why I created the sub forums

And because, babe ~ you are the Man.:D

Okay~ Back on topic! Not sure what that is ~ but back on it.:)
"I just joined the forum ... And I'm not sure how to ask a question! As you suggest I have written to you. My iPad and iPhone4 are synchronized, my iPhone via iTunes on a PC, and therefore there was no management of videos and photos taken by one or the other. How do I make the videos of the iPhone available on the iPad? Particularly I want to be able to edit videos taken on my iPhone using iMovie on the iPad. NB: I converted the videos into mp4, but although they appear well in the videos, you can not edit them in iMovie. NB2: for photos, it seems to work! Thank you in advance for your help."
- Alex

By chance, is this @Alex95 from above? Anyways, bonjour Alex! I'll try my best to answer your question. To make the videos on your iPhone available on iPad, simply connect both your iPhone and iPad to your PC. Open your iPhone in My Computer (I'm assuming you're on Windows- Try Finder if you're on a Mac.)- To do this, simply open My Computer and click on your iPhone. There will be a folder labeled DCIM, click on that. Explore the directory, your iPhone camera roll should be in one of the folders. Then simply select all the videos in that folder and copy it to any folder in your computer. To sync the videos to your iPad, simply open iTunes and click on your device. Go to the Photos tab and check 'Sync Photos to this iPad'. Browse for the folder you copied your videos to and click it before clicking OK. Then in iTunes, check the box labeled 'Include videos'. Sync and voila, the videos are on your iPad. And since they were captured using an iPhone, you can edit them in iMovie. That's it, so all the best! :D

- Sent from my BRAND-NEW iPad 2! :D
SweetPoison said:
You speak French? That is so not fair. I use to live there. When I was little.

I don't speak French, only a few phrases. Which is why it's horrible.

- Sent from my BRAND-NEW iPad 2! :D
I have PMd him with your answer - many thanks


"I just joined the forum ... And I'm not sure how to ask a question! As you suggest I have written to you. My iPad and iPhone4 are synchronized, my iPhone via iTunes on a PC, and therefore there was no management of videos and photos taken by one or the other. How do I make the videos of the iPhone available on the iPad? Particularly I want to be able to edit videos taken on my iPhone using iMovie on the iPad. NB: I converted the videos into mp4, but although they appear well in the videos, you can not edit them in iMovie. NB2: for photos, it seems to work! Thank you in advance for your help."
- Alex

By chance, is this @Alex95 from above? Anyways, bonjour Alex! I'll try my best to answer your question. To make the videos on your iPhone available on iPad, simply connect both your iPhone and iPad to your PC. Open your iPhone in My Computer (I'm assuming you're on Windows- Try Finder if you're on a Mac.)- To do this, simply open My Computer and click on your iPhone. There will be a folder labeled DCIM, click on that. Explore the directory, your iPhone camera roll should be in one of the folders. Then simply select all the videos in that folder and copy it to any folder in your computer. To sync the videos to your iPad, simply open iTunes and click on your device. Go to the Photos tab and check 'Sync Photos to this iPad'. Browse for the folder you copied your videos to and click it before clicking OK. Then in iTunes, check the box labeled 'Include videos'. Sync and voila, the videos are on your iPad. And since they were captured using an iPhone, you can edit them in iMovie. That's it, so all the best! :D

- Sent from my BRAND-NEW iPad 2! :D
SweetPoison said:
You speak French? That is so not fair. I use to live there. When I was little.

I don't speak French, only a few phrases. Which is why it's horrible.

- Sent from my BRAND-NEW iPad 2! :D

Merci de nous aider Alex. Je lui ai envoyé un message avec votre réponse. J'ai été lent à répondre à sa question, car je suis en vacances dans un endroit éloigné et il est difficile d'obtenir des «3G» de couverture.

Great ! Il suffisait de cocher "inclure les videos" ! That's what I missed... "include videos"
Thanks a lot (merci à tous) for a so quick answer ( d'avoir été si réactifs !) .

As I said before, vous etes les bienvenus. Is that right?~ Mon francais tres horrible. See? I'm even too lazy to type it properly, LOL. Though do be sure to participate actively in this forum. We're really friendly so don't be shy to ask anything- but only after you can't find a straight answer after searching the forum. I'm also available for chat- Check the "Anything goes" thread. (I'm starting to be more helpful to the newcomers.) ;)

- Sent from my BRAND-NEW iPad 2! :D
Last edited:
Ne soyez pas timide, les membres français. S'il vous plaît nous poser toutes les questions que vous pourriez avoir. Nous ferons toujours de notre mieux pour essayer d'y répondre. Si je ne peux pas répondre moi-même, alors je vais demander à d'autres Membres. Avoir un grand week-end. Tim
presentation un peu

:p bonjour tout le monde,je suis nouveau membres,vous pouvez m'apellez MAELLE,ah,je suis chinoise,tres contente de venir ici
de retour de vacances dans un lieu sans wifi, je confirme que j'ai pu imprimer tous textes (web ou créer ) de mon Ipad sur mon imprimante wifi HP photosmart B110 (mais cela devrait fonctionner sur toutes imprimantes wifi) en utilsant le réseau wifi créer par mon Iphone 3G a l'aide du logiciel Mywifi . Ce réseau permet la liaison Iphone-Ipad-imprimante contrairement à ce qui est annoncé dans certains articles.
bien cordialement

bonjour TIM
je ne vois pas comment on peut creer le signet avec le texte java dedans
peux tu expliquer plus precisement la procedure

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