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Bookmarks not saving to home screen


iPF Novice
I've searched for the issue but found nothing. Basically I'm in safari, click add bookmark to home screen, but no icon actually appears. I have done it before (I have about 42 of them already inside of folders). I've resprung and rebooted the iPad, but it still doesnt save em. How do I solve this?
Sonicrobby -

If I remember correctly, you have a jailbroken iPad, right? Do you happen to have Springtomize installed? Cause if you do, the last update "broke" the iPad's ability to use Safari to save bookmarks to the home screen. Well, that's the conclusion I worked my way to, after installing and uninstalling a whole bunch of Cydia apps I had installed after a date I knew I was able to make bookmarks.

As far as I can tell, it's the mere fact of having Springtomize loaded that breaks this function. If you want to save bookmarks, you'll have to uninstall Springtomize to do so. Me, I've decided that I like to have 6 icons per row more than I want to save bookmarks, so I'll live with it for now.

I just sent an e-mail to the developer about it; we'll see what he says or does.

If your iPad's not jailbroken and if you don't have Springtomize .... never mind, and I don't know what the problem could be. If you do, could you please tell me and I'll make up a quick post/announcement in the Hacking section about this. More than one makes it not just me. Thanks.

Yes! You are 100% correct! Springtomize was the issue. But what I did to solve it was simply to uninstall springtomize, add the bookmarks, then reinstall it. All the settings for springtomize were even saved somehow, so as soon as I reinstalled it, it was just as it was before (except with bookmarks :) ). Thanks so much for your help!

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