Okay so typing is a perfect on the iPad right now I'm using the Dragon dictation dragon speak in a minute cut-and-paste and put it in before I think it's going to take some time to get used to using the iPad for doing work things getting worked up. It's not perfect as my laptop but if its benefits far outweigh any few negative things that house plus if you really need to forget the keyboard I'm able to type on this with no problem
I did not edit this graph.
Okay so typing is a perfect on the iPad right now I'm using the Dragon dictation dragon speak in a minute cut-and-paste and put it in before I think it's going to take some time to get used to using the iPad for doing work things getting worked up. It's not perfect as my laptop but if its benefits far outweigh any few negative things that house plus if you really need to forget the keyboard I'm able to type on this with no problem
I did not edit this graph.
Okay so typing is a perfect on the iPad right now I'm using the Dragon dictation dragon speak in a minute cut-and-paste and put it in before I think it's going to take some time to get used to using the iPad for doing work things getting worked up. It's not perfect as my laptop but if its benefits far outweigh any few negative things that house plus if you really need to forget the keyboard I'm able to type on this with no problem
I did not edit this graph.
I assume you used a headset as suggested in the instructions for Dragon... Anyway, it works good for me, plus for a free little app... it's pretty cool...
Seadog said:If they rave about something, then they are on the payroll. If they are objective, they get ignored by the extremists. If they bash what others praise, they get attention, which sells media. Besides, griping about typing on the iPad is silly. I am using a standard HP keyboard and I am always going back to correct typos. So how is it going to be any different?
Seadog said:If they rave about something, then they are on the payroll. If they are objective, they get ignored by the extremists. If they bash what others praise, they get attention, which sells media. Besides, griping about typing on the iPad is silly. I am using a standard HP keyboard and I am always going back to correct typos. So how is it going to be any different?
You are so right it will be the same Its funny reading that he spent a short time in an Apple store them formed an opinion and he gets paid for this. This is yet another bad article written by an ignorent writer who lives in a small box. Does he ever write any thing constructive or positive ?
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