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bought all the stuff i need to connect an external for ipad 3...not working

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iPF Noob
I have a external 120 gig formated in fat 32 and a 8gb flash drive 8 gb

I ordered y-cable for the external HDD and a CCK ($3 from amazon, it works for others)

I also got ifile and usb mount toggle for free from cydia

Everytime i turn on usb toggle, it turns off by the time i go to ifile

Anyone know my problem? I cant get the ipad to recognize the usbs
I'm sorry, but I don't know the answer for your question. Hopefully, someone else will be along that can help.

I am posting to ask you to refrain from making multiple posts across the forum. Not only does it fragment the conversation and make it difficult to follow along - its against forum rules.

Please keep all follow-ups or updates to this thread. I have deleted all your others. Thanks for your understanding.

Alright, i just want to if its even possible to use a flashdrive with an ipad?? this is a waste of money now that i ordered all this stuff
You can if you use a powered USB hub plugged into the CCK

Here's a thread you might be interested in.

I did, as i said in the original post, i bought everything i need mentioned in that thread.

But even a regular 8 gig flashdrive wont work or my 120 gig flashdrive. I dont know what i am doing wrong

Maybe its because i bought ifile cracked?(it works for everything, so i cant see that causing the problem) and sbs usb mount settings is free on cydia
Maybe its because i bought ifile cracked?(it works for everything, so i cant see that causing the problem) and sbs usb mount settings is free on cydia

Well that certianly could be your main problem here....Our rules state this:

15. Discussion of pirated or cracked applications and any methods associated with enabling their use, such as posting app or repository names, is forbidden on this forum. This also includes discussion of illegally obtaining media such as music, movies, games, books or other copyrighted content.

15.1 Piracy is illegal and the staff of*iPadForums.net*neither condones nor supports it in any way. Jail breaking and hacking does*NOT*equal stealing or pirating!

15.2. Discussions, links, and sharing of any piracy related topics, apps, repositories, etc., will be deleted and the member will receive a warning. A second warning may lead to an immediate ban.
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Not much I can add after that oh-so-eloquent post by skimonkey. Except, get rid of the stuff you stole, buy your apps and tweaks like an honest person and I'll bet your device will work much better.

Those who steal apps or tweaks don't get helped here. End of.

This thread is closed.

Moderator, iPadForums.net
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