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Hi everyone. My name is Dawn Adams, and I'm from Kimberly, Wisconsin. I just bought an Ipad a few hours ago at Best Buy Mobile. I played with it a little before charging it and my mobile router up. I'm really excited to find all the new features. I also took a picture of my hubby. Wow, the picture is amazing! I can see where I'll need to set some time aside to discover things on here.

I also have a question regarding my router. I bought a mobile hot spot router because I'm on a plan with Sprint. The plan I signed up for says 3G/4G. I noticed that when I logged in a couple of times, it's always a 3G signal, not a 4G. I'm wondering if maybe my geographical area doesn't have 4G? I'm very new to all this, so sorry if I sound clueless. Is there anything I can do to get a 4G signal? 3G seems to be pretty fast on that.
Hi Dawn...Welcome! It is very likely that you may not have that coverage in that area, so it reverts back to the 3G service.

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If you have not done so, please take a look at the iOS 5.0 and 5.1:
Connecting to the iTunes Store.
iTunes - Books - iPad User Guide for iOS 5.1 by Apple Inc.

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