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browser app for repeat data entry


iPF Noob
I need help finding an iPad app.

My wife works in the health field and has to file insurance claims online. It's a lot of repetitive data entry, especially for her repeat clients.

Firefox remembers her entries, so if the patient is named "Steve," typing "S" brings up Steve's name. If she clicks on him in the dropdown, it automatically fills in the rest of his information (address, policy #s, etc).

Safari on iPad doesn't do this - it can autofill HER information, but it doesn't remember previous entries. Does anyone know of a 3rd party browser that does this? She can do almost everything else for her practice from the iPad, but this form-filling takes too long (and thus has to bring her laptop...which negates the point of getting her an iPad in the first place).

I've already tried atomic browser and iCab. It's very frustrating that we can't find something that solves this...

Lastpass has a browser including a formfiller (is used for passwords, but will probably also work with more extensive forms)

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