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Buying an app, Required to Create Questions and Asnwers.


iPF Noob
Last night I was camped out at a open WiFi hotstop downloading GTA3 for my iPad, when I went off and looked for a voice changer app that I could play with. After a few attempts of trying to install it, I was requested to create three 'Questions and Asnwers' for my iTunes account.

Well that is the point where things got a little out of control for me, I think I want to a non apple website and entered my Apple ID and Password; guessing I had doen that, I then went to the Apple support website to change my password; things then went all to hell and I became really stressed. Something odd, Apple didn't like my Date of Birth, when I entered it in; I found that I had done it correctly and yet it wouldn't work.

Anyway, after my mind rape, I finaly got into my account, and changed my password, I got thoes three questions and asnwers (I really wish I could have done that on an apple website and not in iTunes) And now I have been able to download and play GTA3, (Ah brings back such good memories, really wish i could get the cheats)

As for that Voice changing app, not all that good and I paid for it so that sucks, well bad review time.

One final note, the power Apple has dose allow them to get away with most BS.

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