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Buying Ipad2 - BestBuy/Apple Online/Amazon ?


iPF Noob
So, while I have been making up my mind about 16GB or 32GB and whether Black or White (I know I am going for wifi+3g - got that settled :)), it was time to look at different buying options.

BestBuy/Frys : Just the same - buy it, pay sales tax and be done with it.
Apple Online: Same but gives you free engraving (shipping free) So wont hurt.

But then - Amazon!! - There are several stores who have their order fulfillment done via Amazon (so that sounds reliable to me)
The best part is that, shipping is free (2day - amazon prime) same cost "but no sales tax" since its purely an online purchase. That saves about 60-70$ allowing me to use that money to accessorise it.

Well this does sound good but is there anything I am missing here ? Ofcourse these sellers have 99% +ve ratings and all that and product description says sealed brand new as well. So if its not I just have to return it to amazon since order is fulfilled by them - so its trustworthy.

Let me know what you think. I am tempted to go the amazon way. I have bought tons of things with them - who hasnt. :P

Let me know friends, what you think.
The Amazon stores charge a little bit more than retail i.e. The 16 GB wifi is $540 + shipping. I'm thinking that's how they make their money since they're not an Apple authorized dealer. In the end, it looks like your savings are nil if you go that route.

I would get it straight from Apple to be safe. Their customer service is far superior to Best Buy or Fry's if there's anything wrong with your product.

Also, only engrave it if you know you won't be reselling the iPad 2 later because buyers won't like that, and neither will the Amazon trade-in program work for you.
Oh, interesting point about the engraving option. Thanks, I didn't think about it this way. Yup it totally closes the trade in option I guess if you engrave it.

Thanks for pointing it out.

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