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CAD apps


iPF Noob
May 16, 2012
Reaction score
Brisbane Australia
Can someone help with a CAD type app?

I'm looking for a CAD type app that will allow a file import, Tiff, PDF or DWG files.
This app is work related and we need to add lines and annotation to it then save the drawing to our server. Maybe the iCloud.
The tools need to be simple to use with insertion of user defined objects/symbles and annotations.

I have downloaded a number of apps and read about several others, I'm not able to find anything that meets our needs and is quick and simple to use.
Thank you very much for your suggestion. AutoCAD WS restricts us a little because you need to upload onto the cloud from a desk top PC before the document is available to the iPad. I'm waiting anxiously for Bluebeam to release their app for iPad, that might be the answer.

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