I'm reading a diary from John Wesley. An entry is date Sunday, January 8, 1738. When I check that date in my iPad calendar it says that 1/8/1738 was a Wednesday. Why the discrepancy?
Probably the calendar has changed sense then. Check Wikipedia, it's interesting. As the calendar was updated to be more accurate, many countries were slow to adopt the new calendars, probably causing some dates to be off by a few days.
The calendar in Great Britain was changed from the Julian to the Gregorian in 1750, the change led to protests as many people thought their lives had been shortened by 11 days. "Give us back our 11 days" There was also concern about pay.
Is this a metaphorical thread wherein we're really talking about the iPad and the fact that according to some members on this forum--Apple just can't do anything right?
Is this a metaphorical thread wherein we're really talking about the iPad and the fact that according to some members on this forum--Apple just can't do anything right?
So we all agree that the calendar app as we have it right now is inaccurate
Thank you all for your comments. I think we have reached agreement that the calendar app for the iPad in its current state is inaccurate for giving days of the week past 1750. Calendars are fun to program when you take into account the added days for leap years and the change in the calendar in the 1700s to get the calendar back in sync with the astronomical year. I wish the calendar app took all this into account. Why not have an app that asks where the calendar is for and then takes all these exceptions into account. That would be a great improvement over the app that we have now.
I'm sure no-one would object if you wrote one, but really? would there be enough interest in whether Samuel Pepys was writing on a Sunday or a Wednesday to make it worth it? To me, it's just an extra layer of complexity that is unnecessary for the vast majority of users.