dont blame you. i've had mine 2 weeks now (Apple delivered it 2 weeks early) and it's my first ipad. i'm more than familiar with Apple's other iOS devices, but not this.
And wow, it's a life changer.
for the first time in 25 years i've zipped up my tatty leather filofax and shoved it away in the draw. i now use my ipad for all i need. dates, diarys, calenders, work schedulers, office stuff, accounts, free hand note taking/dictation, drawing tools etc etc. i've made the conscious decision to embrace it as much as i can.
And socially, i'm logged into head office via video skype all day, it's great for watching movies and live tv, radio apps are cool and even playing my guitar through amplitube is the mutz nutz. (or where i come from, the badger's nadgers)
And so far i have no complaints other than the fact i'm consciously making the effort to try to concentrate also on other things like work and family. not easy. the wife is sooooo pissed off with the words 'ipad' in almost every conversation we have
Also, it's heavier than i was expecting .