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Camera Connection Kit transfer other files?


iPF Noob
I'm a student and I'm thinking of buying an iPad. But first I've done a lot of research of how to transfer files. I would like to be able to transfer documents I've made on Pages, Keynote, or Numbers, to other computers/devices.
One option I've came up with is to buy a Pogoplug and use the iPad's Pogoplug app to access my USB Flash Drive wirelessly through the Pogoplug. I've been trying to find a cheaper way than that, for the Pogoplug tuns you $100, and I've found the iPad Camera Connection Kit. I was wondering whether the SD card plug-in will allow you to transfer Pages files onto the SD card.
Also if you have a cheap way to transfer files from the iPad to other computers, please post any ideas. :o
USB adapter that comes with the camera connection kit allows transfer of files etc through ifile. You have to be jail broken though.
USB adapter that comes with the camera connection kit allows transfer of files etc through ifile. You have to be jail broken though.
I wouldn't want to jailbreak it though, it would void the warranty and give it glitches. That's what happened on my iPod.
The thing about dropbox though, is that it's over the inetrnet, or, if downloaded its a file. There's no actual physical part that you can carry around.
Also no one has answered my question if Pages documents can be transfered through an SD card.
Hello -

They accessory has found to be able to be used on many other things then just an SD card/USB. If you want to transfer files between each other, you could jailbreak and install iFile, and plug in a SD card or a USB drive and iFile would see your files on there.

In iOS 4.2, printing will be available which will will give you a somewhat way of sending files if you wanted to transfer them that way.

The only way to get a file explorer is to use Dropbox, if you wanted to have a somewhat way of transferring files.
USB adapter that comes with the camera connection kit allows transfer of files etc through ifile. You have to be jail broken though.
I wouldn't want to jailbreak it though, it would void the warranty and give it glitches. That's what happened on my iPod.

Wrong, and also wrong.

Are you saying my post was wrong? I use the USB adapter all the time to transfer files. I have never had any issues doing it. I use a flash drive to transfer. Sometimes it is quicker to use that than to ssh.

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