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camera roll on ipad2


iPF Noob
Once I have placed the photos I want from the camera roll to the appropriate albums, I want to delete the camera roll. However, when you tap on 'delete', there is a warning that you will be deleting all instances of the photo including the copies in the album. This is no good. I just want to delete those photos in camera roll.
You don't actually want to delete the Camera Roll photos, because any album you've copied those photos to are just linking to the originals on the Camera Roll.
You can't delete from camera roll it deletes the pic for good I know it's useless but you can get some good apps like myphotos which let you hide pictures and place them in albums if that helps just search hide photos or photo vaults etc
all of your phptoes ends up in the camera roll.

but when you make folders for the pictures you simply just makes an organized shortcut to all your pictures, while the originals stays in the main camera folder.

Sent from my iPad 2 wifi 32gb (jailbreaked) using iPF
I also have a question. How do I get the photos on my I phone on my I pad? I have tried I tunes but can't find my photos.

You could sync iCloud up together if both devices use the same apple ID or just email them to yourself and open on other device, or you could buy the camera connection kit on eBay for a few pounds and connect the devices together.
Hope this helps
The PhotoSync app does a good job of transferring photos between iOS devices. It is universal, so you pay once and load it on both devices. Be careful, there is a PhotoSync app and a Photo-Sync app. You want the first.

This works very well for getting stuff to/from your camera roll.

If you want to sync the same albums on the iPhone as iPad, then you just set them up the same way in iTunes. iOS and iPod: Syncing photos using iTunes

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