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Can Australians buy from the US App Store?


iPF Novice

I just investigated the kids app Tales2Go and I got a dialogue box telling me that it wasn't available in the Australian store and that I was being "re-routed" to the US store.

I didn't know there was more than one App Store!

Can Australians buy from the US App Store, and are there any issues with doing so?
I live in Canada and would like to download a US app that isn't available here... Do your instructions cover US app access from countries other than Oz? If so, I'd appreciate an e-mail :)
wow ..I posted a question very similar about 5 minutes ago ...I will delete my post as soon as I get my PM. :)

PM :comingsoon: I hope
Why the PM's, get a friend from the U.S. To buy you an ITunes gift card and the redeem it. Voila! Done. No secret.
The answer is i do not and will not post an email address of some one whom is providing this service with a minimum mark up i have along with many friends have used his service for almost 7 months sure get a friend to do it but most do not have friends in USA. I am not gaining any thing from passing on his name however it is my choice to do. It in private. Just pm me and I will be happy to provide instructions. It applys to any one out side of USA oh and no it is not that easy to just get the card c.conditions apply.
Why the PM's, get a friend from the U.S. To buy you an ITunes gift card and the redeem it. Voila! Done. No secret.

I live in Canada, but have a U.S. Sirius satellite radio subscription. If I search for the Sirius Radio streaming app on the Apple App store, the app offered to me is limited to Canadian subscribers.... (I can't log on to this site with my US password and username... (The US and Canadian sites are different).. I need the US Sirius streaming app that goes to the US Sirius streaming site.

How will getting a iTunes gift card from a person in the US help me????

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