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can IPAD read "raw" photo files ?

sorry - i googled and got my answer -

camera connection kit -


can you hook up an external drive through the usb port to IPAD ?
No and no

No raw files and no power to drive an external drive. The USB port provided with the camera connection kit doesn't even have enough power to drive a CF card reader.
I'm a photographer and this is how I'm dealing with backup. I used to shoot commercially for the furniture and textile industry and carried laptop and external drives to backup so I'm used to immediate backup. I really wanted to carry only the Ipad but I always shoot in RAW so I bought enough memory cards since they are quite reasonable now so that I could fill and then stick in a new one. I upload to the Ipad from the CC and keep the ones I want to view on the Ipad--or to share if I'm traveling etc. I keep my cards with the files on them and then when back to main computer upload to Lightoom/Photoshop (where I have redundant drives for backup). Works really well. Easier than carrying an extra drive. You can transfer your RAW files via Itunes to your main computer but I juet find this a much more hassle free solution for now

There is an app that supposedly allows processing of RAWs--PiRAWnha- but it hasn't had good reviews. I just shoot RAW+jpeg and use Filterstorm mostly plus Photogene if I choose to share or just for fun.

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thank you for your replies ....

my image collection is just under 100G of storage (that is way too much to send and store to IPAD) all sent to an external wdc portable G drive on my pc -

-- i wondered if i could hook my G drive to IPAD and view /show photos that way ...
I load all my raw and jpg to dropbox so they are available on my iPad but no way I would consider loading directly to the limited memory of the iPad. It's a bit of a hassle when I want to show a client the photos because you have to wait for them to load. If you have a fast connection, no big deal. But it seems like everytime I want to show someone I end up on a slow connection. Even when it's a slow connection it only takes maybe 10 seconds to load so it's not a deal breaker...just an annoyance.

Still have not found anything useful to display raw (NEF, since I shoot nikon) on the iPad. Only reason for using RAW would be to edit so I just do that on the laptop and then save as jpg. The little Photoshop app in the iTunes store is not powerful enough to waste my time with RAW photos.

my image collection is just under 100G of storage (that is way too much to send and store to IPAD) all sent to an external wdc portable G drive on my pc -

-- i wondered if i could hook my G drive to IPAD and view /show photos that way ...

Around the house, I have my photos on a network drive and access them freely via FileBrowser.

For a portable solution I am beginning to think that WiFi is the answer. One thing on the market is AirStash but that is really just a way to access SD cards without using CCK and loading them to the iPad (worthwhile though).

I have been looking for a wireless portable HDD but surprisingly haven't found one yet. Ideally you coud then use something like FileBrowser to copy from AirStash to the HDD, for a true backup solution. I am not sure whether that would actually work though.

Of course you could buy quite a few 16 or 32 GB SD cards for the same money. It would not give you backups, but SD cards failure seems like a small risk, until it happens to you:(.

I certainly don't want to take my netbook and iPad with me. It has to be one or the other. The iPad it best for viewing photos but not much good for backups. RAW + JPEG seems to be the way to go, especially as HC SD cards are reasonably priced these days.
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Thanks. Actually I had discovered the HyperDrive. I'm not rushing in for a few reasons though.

For one thing, I have no immediate need, so I am waiting to see if something else becomes available.

Also, as per my final paragraph, I am not sure whether I could actually copy files from say AirStash to to HyperDrive given the Walled Garden that is iOS. There are many things that you would expect to be able do with the iPad that you discover are not possible when you try them.

Looking at the HyperDrive web site it seems to allow the viewing and uploading of photos. The more expensive "Image Tank" version would do a good job but I am trying to avoid that sort of expense. What I would really like to be able do is copy photos from an SD card to a portable HDD using the iPad but, surprisingly, this doesn't seem to be possible.

Lastly, except for the backup aspect, maybe I just need some more SD cards.
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