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Can someone explain how itunes works?


iPF Noob
Sorry for making another topic, but I'm really thinking about getting an Ipad tomorrow. I'm confused as to how iTunes works on it. How do you get the music on there if there's no USB support? Can you really add songs to iTunes without buying them directly from there? Thanks.
Yes just add your music to iTunes (no need to buy from iTunes) then when you connect the iPad you can transfer what ever you have in iTunes over to the iPad.

The iPad comes with a cable. One end has the 30 pin iPod/iPad connector and the other end of the cable is USB.
I have owned iPods for 5+ years, and never bought one song from Apple... So I can tell you that yes, you can put an MP3 on there and it will play. I bought most of mine from Amazon......
I have over 100 CDs that I have downloaded onto my itunes. I have also loaded songs from Amazon and Apple. I have also loaded movies, TV shows, etc. I have also been able to easily share these among all my computers. When I received my iPad, it was easy to plug it into a USB port on my laptop, sign into my itunes account, and then allow it to download those programs I wanted. You can load apps onto your base computer and then when you got the iPad, they will also download. Once the iPad is initialized, you have the option of downloading apps, songs, books, etc. directly onto the iPad from the internet, or by syncing with your base computer.

If you start playing a song, you can do anything else you want. The iPad may go into sleep mode, but will still play. It will not stop until you hit stop on the iPod app, or until you do a shutdown.
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