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Can you connect two iDevices via cables?

I can't see how that would work, iOS is designed to talk to iTunes not another iOS system......but hey, what do I know (please don't answer that!)?

The Archangel
I suspect it would "work" in the purely physical sense, but I don't understand what you're trying to accomplish. Can you be more specific?
I want to play video clips captured with my iPhone on my iPad's bigger screen, without having to copy them over then delete them afterwards. And of course not having to go through the dreaded iTunes for something so simple.
can i suggest do this only if you like the smell of money being bar-b-qued in plastic.

but before you do accept it will never 'work', it would need a program such as LapLink and thats if you could sort out the data lines to be crossed over
There is (or was) an app for that. I have it ( but do not use it much) cannot remember name. Will check and repost.
I want to play video clips captured with my iPhone on my iPad's bigger screen, without having to copy them over then delete them afterwards. And of course not having to go through the dreaded iTunes for something so simple.

Well, if you have the Camera Connection Kit (CCK), you can hook the iPhone up to the iPad. Unfortunately, all you can do then is transfer videos from the iPhones Photo app over to the iPad for playing there. You can't pick them to play from the iPhone, they have to be loaded over to the iPad.

Still, it makes it easier than dealing with iTunes.

If you don't want to deal with/buy the CCK, you could try an app like Photo-Sync ($1.99, USD), which will let you transfer between iDevices. I'm sure there are many more, that's just the one I have...

I want to play video clips captured with my iPhone on my iPad's bigger screen, without having to copy them over then delete them afterwards. And of course not having to go through the dreaded iTunes for something so simple.

The 30 pin connector has video out pins, it does not have video in pins. That means you would have to transfer the video using the USB port, and there is no built in support for transmitting and/or playing video via USB.
The 30 pin connector has video out pins, it does not have video in pins. That means you would have to transfer the video using the USB port, and there is no built in support for transmitting and/or playing video via USB.

Makes sense. I didn't think it was possible either but thought I'd ask.

Would be nice if the iPad could serve as a monitor. But it doesn't look like that's what Steve Jobs wanted.
You can only pack so many features into one device and still maintain quality.

If a portable (bigger) video screen is impotent to you, I bet if you look around you can find one of those car monitors (for car DVD movie systems). Find one with VGA input and you can use the video adaptor cable to view your movies on it. A used one off of eBay probably wouldn't set you back too far.

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