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Can you deactivate 3G?


iPF Noob
Hi, I'm looking to buy the ipad2 with 3G, but I'm not actually going to be using it via 3G very often. So I'm wondering is the ipad possible to run without a sim card, or is it able to turn off 3G completely, so it won't use 3G automatically if I mistakingly take it beyond my wifi's range?
smally said:
Hi, I'm looking to buy the ipad2 with 3G, but I'm not actually going to be using it via 3G very often. So I'm wondering is the ipad possible to run without a sim card, or is it able to turn off 3G completely, so it won't use 3G automatically if I mistakingly take it beyond my wifi's range?

You can just turn it off in the settings via cellular data. I do this all the time since we don't have wifi at work. I turn it off when I don't need it.

Sent from my iPad2 32 3G Black :)
Yes you can run it without a sim. I have the 3G model and didn't buy a sim for the first couple of months. I bought a prepaid sim and just top it up when I know I'll need it for going on holidays etc.
Hi, thanks guys, that is what I was hoping to here.

I'll be using my iPad at work sometimes, and there's a gap between one wifi, and another, so I didn't want it to revert to 3G when that happened. Plus since I won't using it outside a wifi spot often, I'll only be using a topup sim card (and so don't want to mistakingly use 3G when wifi is 1 foot away)

Also another question: I heard that 3G can use quite a bit of battery power. Would this mean non-3G iPad's battery last longer, or will both versions last the same providing that 3G can be simply turned off?
smally said:
Hi, thanks guys, that is what I was hoping to here.

I'll be using my iPad at work sometimes, and there's a gap between one wifi, and another, so I didn't want it to revert to 3G when that happened. Plus since I won't using it outside a wifi spot often, I'll only be using a topup sim card (and so don't want to mistakingly use 3G when wifi is 1 foot away)

Also another question: I heard that 3G can use quite a bit of battery power. Would this mean non-3G iPad's battery last longer, or will both versions last the same providing that 3G can be simply turned off?

No battery issues here, but I only use the 3G sporadically.

Sent from my iPad2 32 3G Black :)
Go into settings and click on cellular data.
Then turn "cellular data" to OFF.
This will restrict it to use wi-fi only.
When you want to use, simply go back and set it to ON.
Battery usage depends on the opeator. 3G is not a big factor. Turn off apps you are not using by double clicking the home button and turn off any apps that are open. Avoid apps that push a lot of info to you, or require location monitoring when you don't need them. Turn your backlight down to the lowest comfortable level. Videos and graphics are big power hogs, but you can play music for hours with little effect on battery level.
Also, the iPad's 3G data plan is different than a phone's, in that you can buy it month to month, yet never have an account either established or running. On a smart phone (in the USA) you have to have a data plan; with the iPad you don't.

So, you could not open an account. Or, you can open it for one month (for a trip or just to try out). There's people on this board who've never activated their 3G iPad (or closed the account after one month's try). The key is to turn off the account as the default is to automatically renew.

And yes, you can always turn off the 3G in the month you've activated it - just remember that the month's data allotment does not roll over to the next month.

Long story a bit longer: You don't have to have the 3G data account activated, unless you want. Then, you only have to buy it in one-month chunks.

Hope this helps.

I use 3G nonstop for months while away from my primary home, because I don't use wifi unless I know the security and whoever else might be on the network. I've not noticed any significant battery drain between 3G vs. wifi.

How much data you use is another thing, of course.

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