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cannot connect to itunes store


iPF Noob
Get error message 'Cannot connect to iTunes Store' in a blue textbox. This happens in 2 cases.

1. from home click the 'App Store' icon on the bottom.
2. Someone bought an app for me. In email when I try to redeem the app the following happens. Get white screen with loading message. It goes away and the get another white screen with loading message followed very quickly by the 'Cannot connect to iTunes Store' message.

It's not a wifi issue as can surf the web in safari and go into youtube. The apple expert tried to tell me it was the wifi but again if it was the wifi why can i surf the web and get into youtube. I think it's an iTunes store issue but am at a loss. I have Version 3.2.1.

Any advice out there to fix this? I googled this and tried almost everything suggested and nothing works.


try a different computer.

if not then hard reboot.

if it doesnt work


if that doesnt work,

return it.

I did a restore. In fact 'Erase all data and settings'. Interesting enough when I went into the App store via the icon on home page it took me right there. Consistently. But when I went in thru email via redeeming the app (see 2. above in my 1st message) I got the same error. And then when I tried to go into App store via the icon on the home page again got the 'Cannot connect to iTunes Store' message (see 1. above).

So back to square 1. Before I try to exchange the iPAD appreciate if anyone has some other ideas ie is the error due to clicking 'redeem' in the email -- and thus activating a bug -- and if so are there any suggestions?

Thanks. I don't want to exchange the iPAD (bought 2 days ago) and have the same problem recur.
It won't let me copy paste, but if you go into Safari and go to the "iPad User Guide" bookmark, go to the App Store section, and Buying apps item. The instructions there say to tap Top Charts or some other choice (Featured apps?). Then Redeem code should be a choice.

From there, you can type in the redemption code from the email.

No need to go so far as returning the iPad. The iPad isn't defective.
redeem error resolved

Thanks to all that responded.

Ended up NOT returning the iPAD.

To redeem the app gift (as sent by email) what works is redeemed the app in my main pc (w/ iTunes installed); then synced the iPAD to the pc. This loaded the app gift on the iPAD.

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