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Can't add books to Kindle app


iPF Noob
I have the latest iTunes and IOS on my PC and iPad 2 and have been able to add books to my Kindle app in the past using File Sharing. But today when I go to File Sharing, Kindle doesn't appear. I can't remember if iBooks showed but it doesn't appear either. Does anyone have any ideas how to put this right please?
But other apps are showing?

All I can recommend is to restart both the computer and iPad, and try again. Also, make sure you are running the most recent version of iTunes on your computer.

The Kindle app just had an iOS 7 compatibility update. They recommend you download and open it at least once before the iOS 7 update. There might be a bug in the new version.

If this does not work, you can bypass the iTune File Sharing solution for the Kindle app by using your device's Kindle email address to mail documents directly to it: http://www.ipadforums.net/new-membe...494-how-add-pdf-files-laptop-ipad-kindle.html

BTW, I'm pretty sure that iBooks has never shown up under File Sharing. You copy books to iBooks form iTunes by adding them (importing) to the Books library, setting up under the Books settings tab (with device connected), and syncing. For non-iBooks Store, iBooks only accepts DRM free PDF and .epub file types.
Thanks for that. I've definitely got the latest iTunes and IOS 6.1.3. I hadn't appreciated the reason for having a kindle email address. I'll use that,method if file sharing continues to fail.
No problem. Please let us know how it works for you, and if you get the Kindle app to show up in File Sharing again.

I checked with my iPad 3 and the most recent version of the Kindle app; was surprised to see I actually have an older .mobi formated book in there. I'd forgotten about it.
If you still can't get the file-sharing to work, there is a way to send books directly to your Kindle app on the iPad. You'll have to install an Amazon program called "Send to Kindle for PC" (details here: http://www.amazon.com/gp/help/customer/display.html/?nodeId=200768410), but once it's installed, you can send anything the Kindle app can read to your iPad app.

It's pretty cool, cause you don't have to have an e-mail client or iTunes open on your PC (or the iPad connected to the PC). You can just send it using Amazon's servers. And, if you choose, you can have Amazon keep the file/e-book in your Personal Documents in their cloud so you can sync across devices or just store the e-book on Amazon's servers.

You probably can tell I like this service. :) But, it is a valid option if you can't get yours working properly.

Very strange, I couldn't get it to work yesterday. Today it's fine and I've added quite a few books. It's also showing 3 other apps that I could add stuff to.

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