To add photos without Itunes
I have found the easiest way to add large numbers of photos that are or significant size is to load them from a folder on the computer onto a camera memory card via a card reader and then from the card reader to the ipad via teh USB adaptor that comes as part of the camera connect kit.
One trap / potential issue is that the Ipad will only pick the photos up if the memory card tricks the Ipad into thinking the memory card is a camera.
To do this the following structure and rules apply:
Folder on the memory card must be labelled DCIM
Inside this folder is another folder that has the photos in it that you want downloaded.
This second folder has to have a name that comprises 8 numeral or alaphabet characters (i.e. no dashes, dots, spaces question marks, etc)
While the process is a pain, I have tried several other methods including purpose specific 3rd party software applications that use Wi fi, e-mail to myself, uploading and downloading to Drop box, but all that I have tried are very slow. Direct transfer as above is quick.