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Can't post in forums on the iPad??


iPF Noob
I can post on this forum, but I am also on the nest.com and while I can post the title, I can't post in the message box.... But on this forum, I can.... Anyone have a clue as to why not?
If you are using the Safari browser, sometimes it acts that way on some forums... sometimes. There is a browser out there called Atomic that allows you to set it so that web sites thinks your browser is Safari, Safari for iPad, Safari Mobile, Firefox, or IE Explorer6, 7 or 8. The app isn't free -- it costs 99¢!
I don't have any problems posting to this forum. I have my ipad set to auto login otherwise it is a bit of a pain putting in my credentials every time I come to this site.
Wow! I never would have thought that posting to a forum could be problem. I'm on about seven forums and I don't have any problems at all.
Safari works fine for me. However, when I use Atomic Browser the same thing happens. I like Atomic but I had to switch back to Safari for most of my browsing because of this glitch.
For whatever it is worth, you should have no problems at all posting to any forums that use vBulletin software.

There is absolutely nothing in vBulletin that would prevent your posting, and the company that owns vBulletin tested to make sure that you could easily post with the iPad and iPhone.

Most of the employees of the company that owns vBulletin are doing their casual posting with an iPhone or iPad.

If you cannot do something here that you want to do, then the site's owners need to do a little research into why.
I have no problems with posting in text boxes in this forum and also iphone4 forums.net where I am also a moderator using safari.
I do have issues with other browsers which when posting the text box is greyed out. The title is ok. I have not changed the preferences to support safari but I will look into it as it's a strange one

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Browers that work and do not work when posting

Ok I have done some research and yes I know I am crazy but I have 8 browsers which is almost every one available. You may ask why and it's a good question. I provide support not only here and iphone4 forums but also user groups and my own client base.
Note in each case I signed in to the forum

So here is the hot list of browsers that allow you to edit and post in this and other forums.
1) Safari. - no problems
2) Perfect browser - change preferences to safari desktop rendering
3) Atomic web - change preferences to safari iPad
4) iCab - change preferences to safari support

This list is browsers that do not allow you to post into text boxes in not only this forum but others as well. Text boxes are grayed out

1) Super web. No option to change to safari in pref
2) Browser duo - no option to change to safari in pref
3) Readdle docs - no option to change to safari in pref
4) ibrowser - no option to change to safari in pref

I have no answers to why this is the case and yes I have reported it to the developers of each app that has problems. Maybe someone in the forum knows why. I hope this information is useful I look forward to comments and any updates that may correct the issue So that we can keep you informed.

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Please read my post if you use safari contact the admin of
The forum you are trying to post as there is nothing we can do.

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