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Cant watch attache,nt videos


iPF Noob
I have a huge problem, I have security company and I have my people send me videos though email on a daily basis, I dado anything on my iPod but watch these videos. I click on the attachment on the email and it downloads, once it has downloaded I then click on the icon and it should open, but instead it makes the intent to open and it goes to the player screen but it goes back to the email screen. I'm not to sure and I'm not all knowing on this but I think either something is wrong with the iPad or I am doing something wrong or I'm lacking something.

Please help me I REALLY NEED TO FIGURE THIS OUT. I attached a picture of the screen I click on the icon on.

Thanks in advanced

You are trying to play a video file that is not compatible with the iPad.

So, my recommendation is to get an app that can play that .avi file. A lot of people here have had success with OPlayer HD (there's a Lite version you can download to try out for free) or AcePlayer. Both of these apps say they can read/play .avi files.

There are many more apps in the App Store that can play .avi files. These are just two off the top of my head...

Thank you so much Marilyn. That helps put a lot, I'm just not that knowledgable on this. Appreciate it.


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