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Capture image?


iPF Novice
When on a website, I often want to capture an image, and on pc, I would normally do a r/c, save image.

Can I do that any way on iPad, same question re doing a print screen.
To capture an image from a website, long press the image then select Save Image. It will be saved to your camera roll.

To capture the full screen, press home and on/off buttons together.

Sent from my iPhone using iPF
Yes, hold the picture until the options come up, click Save Image and it goes to your Camera Roll. This is assuming Safari as your browser.

Beaten by that much! :)

Is the home button, the house icon near bookmarks? If so, it's not there when I am looking at an image on web, and the power button I assum is one that takes you back to home screen
Ok, I know now the home button is the one that closes screen you are watching, and takes you back to homescreen, I also know the
On/off button is the one at top/back of iPad, but if you press both to capture page, surely it turns iPad off?
Ok, I know now the home button is the one that closes screen you are watching, and takes you back to homescreen, I also know the
On/off button is the one at top/back of iPad, but if you press both to capture page, surely it turns iPad off?

Nope, not if you press them at the same time. it's a very handy thing Apple built in, the screenshot, and it works a treat. It may take a bit of practice to get the hang of pressing them simultaneously, but you'll soon see how neat it is. You also get a cool screen flash and a shutter sound so that you know it's done. Then you can access it in your Photo app....

I agree, a ice touch from Apple, I was missing the P/s I use a lot on laptop.

Cannot get to grips with saving an address when on the web, URL I mean, If I press for copy option, if anything, it only copies the letter I press on?
The best thing to do for copying URL addresses in the address bar - is to press and hold until you get the pop-up. Then, press 'Select All" ... THEN press "Copy" (when offered). This ensures you get all of the address in. It's also the easiest way (IMO), especially if you have those ridiculously long URLs. :)

Whilst reading your reply, I tried to copy the forum URL to no avail.
First, I c/o the last right hand letter, nothing happened, then I c/o space AFTER the last letter, neither choice gave me a pop up?

I think I have it, it' just worked, but I need to practice as options don't appear every time, when I do it anyway.
Tried again, nothing happens

1- where in the address bar do I press, I left my finger on one of the words to no avail.
2- I don't get the option for "select all"
Take a look at this picture tutorial and see if it helps:


If yes, yay. If not, let me know and I'll take another try at it.


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